Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 14,

Off day w/ Love.

Another normal off day we had. Went Town to walk around, bought a few things from Forever 21 then went to Billy Bombers for the first time!

Actually we just wanted to have something not-so-full, then the Bf also say western food won't full one, so we ordered a main each and cheese fries, end up... SUPERRR FULL.

The huge cup of coke we had and the best thing is.. REFILLABLE!!

Like a girrrl please

He was asking me to take a picture of his amulet. Haha! I find this shot of him sooo cute~

The huge cheese fries. Didn't expect it to be of such big serving! >.<

The Bf's ALL-STAR something burger. I try a lil bit and it's not bad! This was considered a big serving as well! >.<

My cream sauce spaghetti~ The portion was ok, but made me sooo full also!! >.<

I like the  design of Billy Bombers, so I've actually took notice of it for a very very long time already but keep no chance to try it!!

So after that we went to walk a bit some more to digest a bit and then head over to Serangoon for the 'jiatoh' thing. In the first place, I didn't want to tag along when the Bf asked me to go together with him, but I was sooo pathetic I didn't have anymore friends to meet me up already, so out of no choice, I tagged along and was sooo mad bored at that superrr humid place.

We were still feelin' kind of full, so didn't really eat a lot. But every dish we still got gaoguan a bit la hahaha.. Oh and congrats to Molly and Eugene for getting the god statue for the 2nd year already! $5188! I heard last year was $3188! And got one thing super kuazhang please.. Like one red banner and 2 lanterns both side one each, you know how much people bid for it? ... $23k!!! Wtf that person confirm got something wrong in his brain too rich already don't know where to spend the money.

& after Messy got that item, the Bf followed Eugene to the temple to handle some things, while I sat and waited there for him to come back while I use my less than 10% iPhone. While I was using, I didn't noticed everyone stood up for the yamseng thing, when I looked up, everyone was up on my table and only Molly was sitting down cos she have Malcom on her leg, then I don't know why, I DID NOT STOOD UP.

It is actually considered rude to not stand up? Like disrespect or something? It was a bidding dinner thing, not wedding dinner so it's ok right?

Took a cab home after the dinner ended.

These are my new items from F21~ I never kuazhang, my wardrobe now really full of F21 items liao.. Haha..

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