Thursday, September 24, 2009

7th day of work(:

I can't stop google-ing for E72, I can't stop trying to check out when it'll be launch. Ahhhh!!

Ok, basically, I got nothing much to blog about.

First thing first, anyone interested to work for my boss? They need people. Time is 11am start work, end time you can choose yourself. I end at 9pm, while my new colleague ends at 7pm. The shorter(hours) you work, common sense tells you the pay will be lesser, monthly pay(: You have to discuss w/ the boss yourself. There's commission, for sure(: And yes, not forgetting Cpf.

Interested parties please msg me if you have my number. If not, you can leave me a msg at my tagboard w/ your email. Thank you.

OHMYGOD.. See see see.. SOUNDS SO F.FORMAL! I very professional right.. HAHAHA! ;D Ok lame shit.

This is my 7th day of work.


I find this job fine now. I will most probably stay on if possible. Boss say he's going to put an aircon! Yell "hooray!" for me please. No more sweating profusely like I just ran 2.4km lol. Finally manxzxzzzxxxxxxx!!

Omg, can't wait for the aircon to comeeee.. Hehe..

I think working there will make me healthier. I drink 1.5L of mineral water everyday, fruit juice and for sure.. a piece of free watermelon treat by Boss. Haha! Today even better. After boss treat watermelon, the neighbour guy treat guava! Haha! I feel so healthy now. :p

Although I knock off at 9pm everyday, the time I go home is still around 10:30pm. Lol! I will hang around Bugis crapping w/ them! Haha! Worst thing is Benny keep saying I extra!! Keep going to their shop! D: Doris say I spy! Very bad right.. Doris still stalk me on Facebook! LOL.. She remembers everything I tweet! HAHAHA. Then I purposely post saying I feel like eating Bakkwa and Mooncake wahahaha then ask her see, Mon/Tue go back work must hint hint her to buy then treat me a few piece LOL. No money is like that one lah.. :x

Oh, I think Legend is hiring too. Aiyo, I got so many job lobangs.. Anyone need job at Bugis ask me WAHAHAHAH.. No lah.. Joking.

On unpaid leave from tml until Monday.

I think work life is really uninteresting to blog about. :\ I think I sounds boring. :(

My current fav song! :D
(Old song)

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