Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First flea

September 10,

My First Flea.

Ok, honestly speaking I was VERY nervous about this flea thing.. I've never been to one before and I've never did one before. TOTALLY no idea what it is like and what I need to do.

So, I decided to go all out for it!! Emailed ForFleaSake to inquire for a booth and also told them it was my first flea and that I have no idea so I requested for some guide or something.. Ok la, they did told me A FEW things, but I still don't get how it is like until I went to google for images of flea markets and blogs which talked about flea market, so I can roughly get the idea of how it is going to be like.

After I made the payment to FFS, I knew everything was confirmed and settled. I MUST go for it! Lucky I have Yiwei and my love helping me.. We listed the things we might need, but because we were all busy with work, we only went to get everything the night before the flea.  >.<

& on the same night, Yiwei and I sorted out all the clothes and discussed about the prices and all.. Also checked if everything was packed and prepared!

I think we quite clever leh! We wanted to see how the clothes will be displayed so we hung up all the clothes but was too lazy to remove the hanger again cos my hangers are velvet material(I love anti-slipped hangers!!), very difficult to remove lol.. So we decided to just separate it into 3 parts and put it into the hugeass Ikea bag we have.


Slept quite late, didn't wake up on the time we planned to, but still in time for the flea lah! Haha.. Prepared and cabbed down to Cineleisure! Yiwei and I sat in KFC to wait for time to pass while the Bf rushed to 313 to meet Zhiwei to settle some things.

I saw FFS retweeted other vendors' photos of them sitting down at their booths all well-prepared already then suddenly I felt really panicky.. At that time what I thought was.. Confirmed a lot booths set up already! We were too late!! No chance get perfect spot already!! So I called the Bf, told him to rush back to go see the situation, but he asked me to go see first -.-

I left Yiwei there alone and went to look around alone, ALMOST HALF OF THE WHOLE FLEA WAS TAKEN UP AND SET UP ALL NICELY ALREADY! I called the Bf and told him to come back NOW to help us carry the stuff to go set up the booth, but he still asked me to wait first later call me back.. Wtf! Maybe after 1 year plus he still don't know me well.. I have no patience and when I say I want it now, I mean I want it NOW.

So I got reaaally annoyed and asked Yiwei if we can carry the things ourselves to the venue, she said should be ok and so we carried our stuff and went to choose a spot and set up our booth!

It was my first experience and I was mad happy and excited please~ Our booth was really easy to set up, we saw people hanging their clothes one by one, but we just one whole chunk chuck onto the rack! Tadah~ Clever bah!! Hahaha.. What we had to do was to find a way to display our items on the table so all the items will be clearly visible.. We were ALMOST done, just adjusting the display a bit.. The Bf came with Zhiwei.. He itchy hand kpo irritating went to shift our display on the table when we have already put everything properly! Wtf crazy right..

I was so mad annoyed I said him in an annoying tone something like "what u doin?! we already put properly already u mess up again" then he buaysong and sat one side.. Then say want accompany Zhiwei take lunch, say go Cineleisure eat, asked him to go 313 take small change from my Sis he attitude say he never go there.. Wtf.. Then I go lor! No big deal.. Before I went back I still went to get a jumbo cup frolick hehe :p

After I came back, he say he never go with Zhiwei already, then he went to meet Hugo to get Birks after helping us to get lunch.. I had my fav pastamania thai seafood while Yiwei had her fav mcdees! When the Bf came back he was not with Hugo, was Shawn wtf.. One day meet 3 person. Pro guy.

Overall sales not bad.. I earned an outstanding amount while Yiwei's was below average I guess, so in the end I suggested I pay more for the rental fees. Haha I very nice right..

Packed up at around.. 8pm? Went to queue to get into H&M before going for our dinner. I really regretted wasting my precious time queuing for H&M and forsaking my forever fav F21 :( Didn't got anything from H&M, everything was pretty everything was nice everything was of reasonable price but.. I don't like the cutting and.. the crowd.

Had a hard time choosing what and where to eat at, which has always been a trouble for me. Haha! Wanted to try Billy Bombers but the Bf said he wanted to have rice, Chinese cuisine. -.-  Couldnt find any, so we settled for Thai Express Bistro at Heeren.

Mango salad

Sis joined us after she parted with her friends

Kuay Teow with Basil Chicken

Also treated them that meal, which costed about $100. Ohgosh.. Was too paiseh to collect money lah cos I earned so much! 

Oh & thanks to Shawn, finally gave me my birthday present, $50. Lol!  :D

Took a cab home mad tired energy drained out but still must camwhore~

I'll explain this weird photo lol.. Actually I takin pics with the Bf what, then suddenly he dashed out and that's why I gave that face. Haha!

I'm actually quite enthu to go to flea once again, but maybe not so soon..

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