Monday, September 12, 2011

20th Birthday!

August 15,

20th Birthday Chalet.

Woke up in the noon, bathed and went out with the Bf and my Mum to NTUC to get the food needed for the BBQ.

Met Karen at NTUC since she volunteered to be my slave that day! Hahaha.. So honoured please, having a Princess to be my slave. Think I'm Queen already. :b

Bought everything on my list, then went to see the docs while Benny Cheong went back with my Mum to help out a bit.

The queue was damn long omg.. I think we wasted an hour there waiting, in the end, the incompetent doc also didn't told me what exactly caused my rashes, I was the one listing out the possibilities to him and he just answered, "maybe.." "maybe.." "maybe.." WHATTHEFUCK.

Anyways, rushed back home to help out a bit and realised there was nothing much to do.. The busiest one was my Mum. >.< & amazingly, just merely an hour, she had already finished cooking the curry veg and fried beehoon. & somemore, the homemade mini fried meatball. My mum is a superwomen.

After packing up everything, did my make up, changed my clothes and rushed down to meet Uncle Van who will be driving us there! Woah, it was a damn rushy day.

Rushed to check-in, then put down everything, things to be kept in fridge also all put inside.. RUSHED to take a cab to go collect my cake from Shiberty's Sweets.

Thank you, Karen Lee. Thanks for being there to help!

Jelloshots I made, but failed. Added too much Vodka, it tasted too bitter. Some of em were from my second try, so those tasted just nice, but the first attempt ones really suck. Those who've gotten the second attempt ones are lucky! Hehe :b

THE HELLO KITTY CAKE WAS AWESOME, MAD PRETTY, but sad to say, not exactly the one I wanted. Nevermind! This is Shiberty's style! Hehe :D Looking at how pretty the cake was made the SGD99 totally worth it.

While we were still on the way to Shiberty's place to collect the cake, Alan had already reached, Szemian and Linfeng also reached. >.< My bad.. I realised I really have the worst organising skills everrr! :( Need to organise more in order to improve haha! But difficult lah, where got so much things so me to organise lol..

Actually I know what caused my organising failure..


I'm always in rushing mode if you experienced doing things with me before. I always do things till last minute and that's why I'm always disorganised and always LATE. :\ I always thought I can do it within this time frame, but in actual fact, I can't. I needed more time than I gave myself. >.<

My boy preparing to start the fire~

Sticky couple helping out with the asparagus and golden mushroom wrap bacon! (:

Gorgeous ring which sat on the window.. Haha.. Belongs to Karen Lee, the Slave. :'D

Everyone have something to do except this guy in the picture below. Haha.. Let me introduce you, Alan Tham. I feel damn sorry towards him. Sigh! Last minute those whom he knows all put me aeroplane! :( This is what we call GIRLFRIENDS, hmm.. maybe we shall not use this term to address one another anymore. Haha.. Kinda sounds like hypocrite? Not pinpointing, not angry, but it's a fact.. Everytime we say 'gfs', do we really mean in our heart? Maybe Karen really meant it when she addressed us as her gfs, but I guess the rest of us are not. Hmm, not sure if anyone of you will be reading this, but this is truly what I think and no offence alright.. Just my thoughts.. We are still friends(: I don't know if you girls are gonna talk about me being mean.. or whatever, but I still treat all of you as my friends.. SINCERELY.

So sorry you became a loner. Quote what you said, "a dumbfuck who dunno anyone else here."
& thanks for the 2 bottle of champagne and sorry again for misleading you that it was going to be a party party. I just wanted a simple bbq.. Next year is gonna be a blast! :D (if I'm not low on budget)

If I never remember wrongly, it was still very quiet before we went to bring Yiwei and Shawn in and also went to NTUC to get some things we forgotten.. Oh, and Alan went out with us, he was too bored and wanted to go off already.. :(

Pretty mini train thing at Downtown East.

Going to get candles and knife for cake cutting later at night.

Got some balloons for fun and it was damn difficult to blow!! >.<

So sad it was a bad hair day :(

Super yummy homemade meatball. Even Chef Alan also complimented it's nice! :D

Amazing tub of curry veg, stayed warm throughout the night till 12plus still warm!! :D

Super yummy pls omg..

Around 8plus, Liting also reached! ;)

Everyone watching On The Fringe -.-

Mini cupcake I bought at E!Hub before we took a cab to Shiberty's place.

My marshmallow which made the few of us laughed like a crazy bunch of girls lol :'D

I tried to be smart by placing the fork in the wire mesh holes and let the fork slant towards the fire so I don't have to hold my marshmallow to bbq. Then after some time Karen and Liting keep yelling and yelling lol.. That's when I realised my fork had melted and it's falling towards the wire mesh at a very fast speed! Hahaha.. Mad funny lah..

So here we have, BBQ marshmallow Chef, Linfeng!

This photo was supposed to give a dreamy innocent feel.. but.. Thanks to the smoke wtf..

Better here..

So pretty right!! Only she succeeded, so we decided to use lightsticks instead.. :(

Complaining cos she failed! Hahaha.. All of us were laughing at her saying she no love, that's why can't draw a heart shape successfully. :'D

Epic fail.. Sigh!

See! She does it so well~

... then we realised, it's the colour of the lightsticks.. Haha! Red is too dark to be obvious in pictures.

Haha Liting looked like she's gonna hit Yiwei with the lightsticks LOL..

She can be lightsticks model already.. Among all of us her's prettiest -.- All of us looked like woodblock cos we can't coordinate doing pose + controlling lightsticks, only she can.

Failed 'W' .

Meanwhile, I spotted Babylove bbq-ing prata~

Sis came, so I told her to try it also, but by that time the lightsticks were not so bright anymore. :(

Around 10pm, Xiaogui and JasonIkimarin also reached!

The Bf gave this to Xiaogui.. HAHAHA~ Can you see what it is?

Gossip girls~

Yuki, Don, Yuki cousin, Dixon, JasonChiang, Hugo and Ahkeng also reached!

Finally, I know how to take shots with light swirls like this, thanks to Don!!! :D

The clock strikes 12, the first person to wish me in person was Karen Lee! Thank you!! Then after a while I can't find my love and asked Linfeng got see Benny or not, he told me Benny went out to buy something.. Then he started tuning down the speaker and turned off the fan..

& just when I asked.. "eh why u turn off the fan? :\"


Omg, I was like damn shock lah! :'D

Then.. erhem.. the chalet person came and said someone complained, asked us to lower our volume cos by right only maximum 4 person in the chalet wtf..

& this was how we looked like while listening lol..

Yummy butterscotch frosting w/ oreo cake!

Cake cutter~

Leftover cake~

A lot of them thought the oreo spongecake was too dry and the frosting was too sweet, but actually, what I think is if you eat it altogether, the taste is just right! I find it ok.. I guess it's the way they ate it.

The bf heating up the fried beehoon..

My loves.. Cheese sausage and cheese tofu~

I say, this side of my face prettier~

Yiwei say, this side prettier~ I think she just want me to look uglier :(

Molly and Eugene also came around 12plus.. :D

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