Friday, September 16, 2011

Birthday Dinner @ MBS Rise

August 16,

Birthday Dinner; Rise @ MBS.

Ok, was supposed to wake up early for Universal Studios, but both of us were mad tired, I woke up like around noon, waiting for the Bf to wake up, but who knows, he can really sleep forever. By the time he woke up, I was already fuming mad. I mean like.. It's MY birthday and you slept like a pig?! I was so pissed off I refused to wake him up.

So after he woke up, I insisted I want to go USS. So I prepared and by the time I was done, it was already like 3 plus almost 4 I think.. Then we called and checked only to know that they close at 7pm, I thought it was 8pm. Plan cancelled. Tried to find some other interesting places to go, but all closes early -.-

In the end, we decided on a dinner! There was basically nothing else we could do. Hmm.. So we called Rise and booked a table at 7pm, I think.

I think we took the train that day, cos I remember we walked quite a distance.

We were early despite spending time outside taking photos etc haha! I think we reached at around 6:30pm. 

The Bf's round one!

My round one! The roasted duck is omfgdamnheavenly yummy!!!! Peanuts, onions, fish(under e tomato), potato etc.. Not too bad..

Took a slice of salmon cos I never tried it before. >.<
It tasted okaaaay, but I think I just cannot get through my heart obstacle, cos I feel gross eating a raw fish lol.. But it's really ok.. Maybe cos I didn't have it with soy sauce or something la. Will prolly try it again next time I have Jap food. :b

I think this is some chicken broth or something.. 

Salads~ Me love..

Raisins, yucks..

He loves to eat bread a lot!! Always eating bread -.- I don't really fancy bread.. >.<

Mushroom soup

Chocolate fondue~

Their strawbie soooo sour must eat it with chocolate please -.-

Trying out their oyster! He won't eat oysters most of the time, he was afraid of the smell/taste or whatever shit idk.. But he loveddddddd the oysters there! Haha.. He said at least it's better than the ones he had at Batam or wherever I dont't remember where. Although he didn't have a dozen or so, but I guess he had about 3-4.

The brownie was superb! Loves brownie~~~

Cookie was good! The 2 cups were fantastic~ & the brownie!

Plain vanilla ice cream but totally good enough to have one big tub!! Haha.. 


Was so duper super full, so we went to have a walk to look around and take photos! (:

I like this shot!

Idky he want to talk photo of this -.-

If only we were this loving at the HK trip, so I wouldn't have to take photos with beautiful views alone like as if I'm alone on a holiday trip wtf. #foreveralone

Just f.y.i, this is our style of kissing most of the time lol.. Weird but .. WE ARE JUST WEIRD LIKE THAT~ HOHO.. We are the unique lovers!~

I find this shot quite funny lol..

The Bf bought my current Birks for me, and this is from me to him~ Wtf, my birthday he got present what logic is this -.- Haha.. He like a girly in the store please.. People want close already he want to see, the person open for us, then he try 2-3 pairs, keep cannot decide, I so paiseh towards the sales assistant so I just buy la lol.. I can see he want it, he just don't bear to spend SGD99 on a pair of sandals. Now he don't know love it until what extend lor :D


This birthday I spent quite a lot. Like for the chalet, I think I spent around like SGD400? Chalet SGD99, cake SGD99, all the food and misc stuff around SGD200!

But thank god, the angpaos I got, just nice cover for all the expenses :b  Thanks to everyone seriously..

Thanks to Karen! The YSL perfume I wanted! & a sweet birthday card with sweet messages!

Grumpy looking flowery doll from Liting! Thank you.

Angpaos from Grandma, Mum, Ah Yong Auntie, Molly/Eugene, Doris, Yuki/Don, Ah Keng, Hugo, Dixon and Jason.
Grandma gave me 2 cos she forgotten she gave me already, I told her she gave already she still insist on giving lol!! :D
Didn't expect such big amount angpaos from Molly/Eugene. Thanks a lot everyone!~

Belated present from Bestie due to the delay in postage. 
Thank you!! I wanted this for the longest time everrr.
& thank you for the mini spongebob mirror!

Last but not least, I want to thank my family and my Bf for the Canon G12. Thank you and extra thanks + love to Benny Cheong. Thanks for helping out at the chalet, thanks for the dinner at Rise, thanks for your love thanks for everything. This is my second birthday celebration with you, I want to celebrate with you for the rest of my life. I love you.  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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