Thursday, July 7, 2011

Messy Company Chalet + BBQ & Xgui Birthday

June 28,

Messy Company Chalet + BBQ

and Xgui birthday.

Alright.. haven't been updating! Haha.. Too lazy and my energy is totally drained out due to the chalet organised by Messy.

Went to the chalet after work with everyone from Messy and also Yiwei. BBQ and chit chatting.. Then 12+ we started wishing Xgui happy birthday and after cake cutting, they started the sabotage thing. -.- Childish people? Haha. They were the only ones who plays like this out of everyone I know.

Ok la, I'm too lazy to type already.. I just post the photos ok!

Stupid irritating siaodingdong.

The bf BBQ super nice foood.

Yummeh x100000000000 chicken wings.

Molly BBQ-ing her signature ultra spicy sotong.

Looooooook at the colourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .. *swallow saliva*

Eugene insisting that she must drink half bottle. >.<

Gobbles and then vomit.

Continue drinking again..


Birthday girlboygirl!

Headed home at around 4+. Slept like a pig and was very very late the next day. Had to see the menopause black face again.. Sigh..


Went to the chalet the next day as well, but no photos, cos my Sis took my digicam to her KL trip, so I'm camera-less. So, all the photos were taken using Molly's Canon G12.

Shiok manszx!!

I was the photography and it really takes nice sharp photos!! Love it, am planning to get it for my birthday. Hehe.. Already get sponsorship!! :D

They played a lot of games etc and was fun la, I mean looked fun la.. Haha.. Cos I never play.. Too rough for me la seriously.. :\

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