Friday, February 11, 2011

BKK Day Four.

December 19,

BKK Day Four.

B woke up very early in the morning, me too, unusually up so early. I went back to sleep as he woke up bathe and claimed that he was going to a market nearby to walk around. I woke up consistently checking on the time and realised he was still not back yet. Only until 2-3hours later, and that was when I already knew that he must've went to the JJ Market again, but on his own this time. Cos he did mentioned about wanting to head over there to buy something he missed out on the previous day.

After he came back he created havoc just to wake us up! We got ourselves prepared and then off we go to Baiyoke! Unlucky enough though, it is closed on every Sunday.

Hopped onto a cab, supposed to go to Sunday Market recommended by some Thais we asked, but the cabby took us to JJ market once again, claiming that JJ market IS Sunday market. -.-
Confusing enough!

Walked around, suddenly I felt really urgent and needed a toilet asap. I told B I was very urgent, but that was when he was busy looking around for food, cos Yiwei said she was hungry(but I was not) when he asked us. That made me annoyed even more.. Cos that made me felt like Yw was the priority. Some more hunger can wait but urine cannot ok! D:

He kept looking for food, but not the WC. -.- I screamed and said in a really fucknoying tone that "I.. NEED TO GO TO THE LOO!".

He saw something which looks quite yummy, bought it for Yiwei like automatically w/o the need to even ask if she wanna eat that. Annoyed more!! At first I still thought he is buying for himself!! D:

I just walked off and looked for a toilet on my own. I was not afraid to get lost at all, cos I have a lot of Thai Baht with me hahaha:D I just need to take a cab back to hotel if I get lost >.<

I felt so neglected so unimportant I went into the toilet, into the cubicle I couldn't control my tears.. :'(

I stayed in the cubicle for quite long, crying and crying until I stopped then I came out.

Walked around again, then left for Victory Menoment. Had our late lunch there, it was a super sumptuous meal, was super full manszx!!

Next was Century Mall.

I was feeling quite unhappy over all the things which happened and I got really very bothered, so I just kept walking around on my own, following my very own pace since it's not very crowded and we wouldn't get lost so easily.

Back to the hotel, rest and went out again to meet King at MBK. Walked around while waiting for King.. I was walking on my own again cos I am super bothered and frustrated over the 2 of them. Went Naraya and bought myself a small carrier for my lunch box and a pouch for my Grandma:D

Before we left MBK after we met King, B asked Yiwei whether she's hungry or not, she said yes, then he asked King, King was yes also, then he asked me, I was no. Then straight after my "no" like maybe not more than 2seconds, he said "Ok, lets go eat".

How am I supposed to feel?! The 'priority' thing is already bothering me very much to the extend it started to hurt me already and yet all I got is always what which showed I'm the unimportant one.

I don't know how to put the feeling into words but at that point of time, I did felt inferior, cos I really felt like 'they' were a pair more like 'we' were a pair. :'(

Cabbed to Chinatown, in the cab he kept asking me whether I want to eat or not and kept asking me to just eat a little la but I kept insisting that I don't want. Then he started to ask me what was wrong, at first I just shook my head then I used my phone and typed to him telling him I am Jealxxx . :x He asked why, quite loudly, I just kept quiet and then I typed to him 'Nothing'.

I was actually thinking of eating a little, cos the food there was really super yummy! I changed my mind the moment we sat down.

King went out to answer a call, so the 3 of us went to sit down first, he had a choice, but he chose to sit opposite Yw, and left an empty seat opposite me for King. Oooh, how am I supposed to feel? Like shit. The person then changed us to the smaller table after a while and once again, he still sat opposite Yw. -.- 101% annoyed.

During dinner, I think King got shocked over my attitude and sulking face. Haha.. That was the first time we ever sat down to have a meal together and I guess he wouldn't dare to have this experience ever again! Hahaha..

Back to our hotel after dinner, watched tv until a hour later, I felt hungriness. Ordered food, my fav macaroni hehehe :B Amazingly got all right with Bf again after his repeated attempts to coax me.

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