Saturday, October 10, 2009

Xiao Bing's Joke

Joke of the day
-- By Xiao Bing

A husband suspect his wife having affairs. But cos he had to work overseas, so it's really difficult for him to find out the truth as he only goes back once every year. Until then, he decided to go back once every 6months, easier for him to catch his wife having affairs. One day, he went home and tadah! He really caught them red-handed! He questioned his wife about how many men she had all these years, she insisted only one. Husband searched the whole house for more evidence and found 3eggs and a $2000 cash under the bed. He was very puzzled, so he asked the wife why did she put 3 eggs there.

She answered.. She would put an egg under the bed for every man she had.

The husband felt much more relieved, at least his wife is not as sleazy as he thought, for so long she only got 3 men.

Then he asked why the $2000 cash?

She answered.. "The $2000 cash is the money I got for selling those eggs."


This joke comes from Xiao Bing! You know he's really cute lah.. He keep on want to find chance to talk to me, but I'm just like.. difficult. Hahaha! He actually went to ask my boss why I like kept ignoring him, cos all the other girls who previously worked there love to talk to him, so he was quite puzzled. Lol! Until now.. actually I still doesn't talk to him. :\ Maybe just smile when eye contact. :p

Boss told him smth which really make me laugh.. "Xiao Bing, see pretty girls must not use the corner of your eyes to see, must see from the front, if not you will look very pervert!" HAHAHA! Then he argued w/ boss saying that he look at him he don't have to look frm the front, he feel more like using the corner of his eyes. Haha.. Their conversations always makes me laugh.


Anyway, I forgot to mention another type of customers I hate a lot a lot!

Customers asking questions like "Eh, this one I can wear or not?" , of course I would say yes. They would proceed to "Can meh? I think cannot leh, too small lah" , I will say "can lah this one stretchable sure can." They say "cannot lah I think too small" , then I will keep finding/repeating what I told them about they CAN wear, and they would also repeat they cannot wear until I got irritated and kept quiet or even just walk away. -,-

One more type!!

Customers who takes like hours to choose colours!! Omfg. Those really sucks. For my character, I won't serve a customer more than 30mins, if she were to take longer than that, maybe you will see me serving other customers and ignoring her liao! Hahahah!

Oh and also those who loves to ask for new piece before they even confirm if they want it or not.

Pls people, even some of my friends, if you're not working sales line or maybe you are but doesn't put yourself in others shoe, now I'm telling you, pls understand and do not do anything like this. Salesgirl will hate you. Hahaha!


I supposed I'm considered quite stable w/ this job already. Now I realised, I really need this job. I need to save money! I need income.

Boss is going to install air-con this coming Monday. Shiok. No more sweating! Yay, yell/scream/tag hooray for me! :D Hahaha..

This job seems so much better that it makes me feel like I had wasted a year at my previous job. I achieved nothing working thr for a year, except for friendships and experience. (: Hope I do achieve something out of this current job. At least I got Cpf now. Wahahahaha! :D


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