Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Job found!

As I swore on my blog, I went to look for a job yesterday. (:

But, I woke up late. Planned to go at around 2pm, but end up when I woke up is already late afternoon :\

Left for Bugis at around 5 or 6pm, I think. Walked around.. && I got, I considered 'loads' of jobs offer! ;D

1) J-Square - Rejected, cos I think it'd be difficult to sell their bags. Lol. Somemore they are so near to Messy! Paiseh.. :\

2) Legend - Haven't answered. Actually this was an offer by Uncle Robert, he say he can help me ask, but I haven't gave an ans as to if he needs to help me. (:

3) Dunno name - Didn't reject, but not going to accept thou he offered a very good pay which I guess no other shop in retail line(not sure abt high-end retail) will offer unless it's pay increment. I've seen the boss before and I guess vice versa. So told him I worked for Messy before and he roughly guess which one haha! I ask him to gimma a call when he reach then I can go his shop agn for the interview. Tell ya'll the reasons later below for why I'm not accepting it.

4) Anonymous shop - Asked them for the vacancy, but.. $4/hr only. 11am-11pm. Shit 'em! Haha! I even heard they have to go to their boss house to pack stocks till 2-3am. Siao! Ask me pack in shop better, go boss hse crazy one.

5) Dunno shop name(lol) - Haven't answered! This was another offer by another Uncle haha! Uncle Eddie. For this one will work at the push cart at Iluma, not too bad :D But I'm really good with all of them, so scared later work for them will have conflicts later spoil r/s right..

6) Anonymous shop - Answered! That lady was really nice. I don't know if she's the boss but I'm sure is some kind of like.. someone w/ power haha! She got me to work st8 away! She say if I want tml can start, but I'm not sure if I have something on today, so I ask for Wednesday! ;) Gonna try out, but seems like the environment is a bit turn off. I was only standing thr talking to her like for 5-10mins I was really really hot already. :\ Not sure if I can withstand it! Gonna try.

Ok, we come back to the story for the 3rd shop.

Here it goes. I went to find him for the interview at around 7:30pm. He bombard me w/ loads of questions. Lame and weird questions. Good thing is all along he talked to me like a new known friend instead of a new boss(: He introduced himself, ask me to introduced myself to him as well and he means as thou like introducing products to customers, like.. how to say.. like oh! Convincing him to recruit me. I told him abt some of my bad/not confident points first, he stopped me. Then I said abt my good points he stopped me again. Like -,- seriously. He talked and talked and I just said.. "I dunno how to introduce myself." I sucked at introducing please! D:

Ok take note is really a long story. Why long? The whole interview lasted about 2hr30mins. -,-!!

He kept asking me this and that.. He said there's no right/wrong to the questions he just want to know me more, I told him really FRIGGING TRUTHFULLY. BUT..! He kept twisting my answers picking out thing about it and made me REALLY changed my mind. Some of my habits, I know, I told him.. he will say this very repeated all-along sentence: "Nevermind, ARE YOU WILLING TO LEARN?". Fuck, who'd say "No, I'm not". -,- Seriously I guess I shld have said no man, maybe the interview will end quicker. Hahaha!

He then made me answer some questions on a paper like a multiple choice. I had a hard time seriously. Cos I have loads of bad points but I can't possibly let him know right. Haha! So I try to be a little honest here and a little dishonest there hahaaha! :x

But still overall this experience of interview was not too bad lah, just a bit too long. Lucky he's not-bad looking seriously if not I don't know how I can face a person(nt a friend) for so long-,-

This is already my summary. Guess all of you won't be patient to finish hearing the story but I really feel like completing it w/ every details hahaha!

After the this interview most of the shops are closed, so I can't ask anymore:( Well, luck's w/ me! I met the cleaner. He brought me over to one shop for interview. I got the job, yes it's job no. 6! :D

Didn't really got to find anyone else after that. Everyone close shop liao! :\

Went over outside BHG to find HX smoking thr, decided to go catch a movie. She had G-force in her mind but when we rch Cine, thr was nt much shows, so watched Aliens In The Attic, which we already missed like 30mins LOL. No choice, no more nice shows.


I like the guy the dunno what name at right side.

After the movie was still only around 1am. Chatted! Haha:D Around until 5am, we went to eat something cos were hungry then took a cab home at around 6am.


He dropped HX back saying he going to Hougang, me he mre convenient, so I went off first instead. Starting he didn't talk to me, so I just kept quiet, some more I would like to rest lol. Then when we're going to reach soon around the highway area, he started chatting.. I swear is out of a sudden. -,- He asked me loads of questions and thr was a lot of pausing, like thou he's thinking what else he should ask. Then..! Guess what.. He started talking to me about Facebook. -,- He ask me do what on Facebook and all, then he 'act' like he really know some of the games I'm playing.. When I reached, he turned back to collect the money, looked at me like he's going to eat me up. && he ask me to add him on Facebook some time! I fake a smile and said how would I know which is you. He ask me go restaurant city find. Siao! Even when I already stepped out of the cab, he's still talking, then I just say "orh orh orh" and BUMP.! I closed the door! HAHAHA.

Totally freaked out.

Home sweet home at around 6:30am(:


I should concentrate on accidental acquaintanceship! :D
It's him..? Is it? Is it?

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