Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Random Post for a random off day

Random day , random me .

Ellaine bought this for me when she went back to Malaysia . :)
I appreciate it , cos actually we aren't really close, yet she still bought things for me .

Helped Yuki edited her photos . ;D

Glad that she liked it . Haha !


Me and the cuteeeeee Ellaine !

Bitch @ X-Factor waiting to get my pay . Hehe .

Eugene drew my face and took an obscene photo of me ! D:

Had actually wanted to go to Kbox with Xueli , Benny and co. , but in the end Benny decided not to go cos Eugene and Doris doesn't want to go . Haha .

So in the end , left me and Xueli , wanted to take cab down , but fucking no cabs laaa ! D:

Sooooooooooooooooo , ended up at Bugis Mac . -,-

First thing I bought after I got my pay . :p
Black eyelash glue , if you want , tell me alright . ;)
( My number has changed due to bursting of bill , haha . Msg the number you have , I'll reply you with my hi-card number when I see the msg . ) :)

Bitch @ McDonald's .

This stupid guy has been pointing at me every time I went there . D:
I think he like me . :x

A big feast in the middle of the night . It'll end up being the "big fats" in our body .

The Darlings ;-

She don't like people to take photo of her ,
but she always camwhore herself . :\


Plaids ;

Worked @ X-Factor .

Ken , know what's his chinese name ? ! Haha . Yao + Ming = Yao Ming .
That's what he told me . :DD
Reiner with his middle finger and me in the background ! Haha !

Hooray to Sister ! It's ghost festival , so I've been pestering her to go and meet me to go home together almost everyday . :x


Happy Birthday to Ruiting ! :D

Met Sister up after work and took a cab to Cineleisure , had actually wanted to watch the 11:20pm show , but the tickets were sold out . D: I skipped meeting and rush down and that's what I got . Never mind . Bought tickets for 1:45am instead , went to slack at the cafe outside Cineleisure till 1:45am for this fucking nice show ! Worth the wait . ;)

While deciding whether we should watch the 1:45am show .


Waiting to go inside . Haha .

Okay . The show was really nice .. I love it , it's really worth the 2hours wait .. What they filmed/talked about Singapore/Singaporean were very true . Throughout , I cried till my eyes were a little swollen and I laugh until my eyes can only see a tiny part of the screen ! LOL . Touching and funny . Both are the most important thing I look out for in every movie I watched , and every movie which have these will be totally lovedddddddd by me . ;)


Now I wonder .. Did I ever missed out any shows by him ? I doubt so .. Hahaha ! :DD I bet he must HE♥RT me too !! :p

That movie is under "MUST-WATCH" category ok ! Haha ! Those who haven't caught it in the big screen , please do it now , you won't regret !! ;)

Next , I want to watch Prom Night ! But it's a tough decision for me , whether should I catch it some day after my work(it's ghost festival!!) or wait for my off again(it might be taken off from the big screen!!) ? :(

Bestieeeeee !!
When want watch ?!
No time already !!

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