Thursday, July 31, 2008

Uncle's Birthday Chalet !


27th / 28th July ..

Late for work , thus got my Dad to drove me there , who knows , due to his lack of drivings these few years , he took quite a long time to reach . -,-

Anyways , my sales was super super fucking baaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddd ! Bad to the extent that I never had this type of sales on Sundays within these 3months before . D:

Soooooo ...

Went to Uncle's chalet after work .

BBQ-ed and ate non-stop at first .. Sang birthday song and cut the cake , that was when the outbreak of the war begins .. -,- Cakes smashed on almost everyone , water bombed on almost everyone also . -,- The cakes are smelly to the maximum and the water is really cooooold . :\ Had a great time though , I thought I wouldn't be able to take it and would get reaaal mad . Haha ! Who knows , I had a little enjoyment while taking my revenge . :x

Played Blind-Fold since there were 2 rooms available before heading home . F-u-n is the word . ;D Had actually wanted to stay overnight until the next morning then go home bathe and straight away go work , but in the end realized none of the girls are staying , only the guys , so I decided to go home also . Haha ..

Thanks to Yuki and her bf for driving me back ! :)

Reached home at around 5am . :\

Disturbbb the pretty Red . :p

This is what fatties do after eating . :x

(All the above photos taken from Red)

Sleepppppy .. =,=

Have a good rest , everyone !

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