Friday, April 4, 2008

Work, as usual .

Feeling: Tired, Happy and Sad.

Tired because have to run here and there a lot of times and today I, alone, myself, unpacked, re-fold and pack the 2 BIG bag of apparels into zip log bag. -,- Gal was working with me today, she only re-arrange the displays and etc.. I know it's tiring for her too, but I'm really super duper surprised by how I can finished the 2 BIG bags from 11am till around 10pm almost on my own. Lol. Can imagine how BIG it is now ? Hahaha! A super fucking busy day.

Happy because I got to talk to the new guy already. Asked for his name today, but I forgot is Rickson / Dickson. :\ Ask him again tomorrow. :x And Benny isn't that mean today. Lol.

Sad because Ruiting got sacked yesterday night. -,- The feeling isn't really good. It's like.. She just taught me almost all the stuff yesterday during work-time, then after work, Uncle sacked her. -,- You know that feeling ? Sigh. Felt sad for her too, the reason for her being sacked is purely because she kept using handphone, then when got customer, she still sms, never serve them. :\ I think this situation is quite common among Bugis Street. Don't know why they have to make a big fuss out of it.

That guy who always waved to me, we chatted a little today. He thought Ruiting off, so I told him Ruiting kanna sack already. He want to scare me lor, say my turn will come very soon, cos the newcomers always kanna sack very fast one, he say he every time see a lot new people. Lol. -,- I think the problem really lies with the company itself. :x

I'm so very the scare that my turn will really come soooooon. :\

I hope it's not me, but Madeline if one have to be sacked. :x I'm not bad, cos they sure will need two girl to know how to open Cosine. Now Gal got come down help plus teach me, then after she go back Parco, I will need to teach Madeline(That's what Uncle told me). -,- I bet Gal will be leaving in a couple of weeks time. Sigh. I wonder if I can make it through these weeks. D:

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