Friday, March 21, 2008

Rule #1 ;

Went over to Bessie's house to put some games into my PSP . And also to wait for her to be ready to go to meet Szemian!

Called Szemian at around 1pm, but she's already at her bus stop, waiting.

Bessie is still not ready at that time yet .

So ended up, we met at around 1:30pm.

Headed to Simei ITE first, cos Szemian need to do some things. Bessie accompanied her throughout, I just played my PSP, Sms, and sit at every chair I can find to wait for them . Hahaha!

Had actually wanted to meet Stanley, but he not so early go school. :( And I feel damn apologetic please! I forgot about Jun Rong and Rui Xiang, I only remember Stanley in that school. Hahah! :x

After everything was done, it's already 2 hours later, 4pm.

Took a cab down to Outram, Bessie's Grandpa's stall. Had our lunch there!

Her relative drive us(Szemian, Kim Lian & I) to Chinatown and then Kim Lian headed home while Szemian and I dropped of at Orchard.

FEP to collect Shuning and my tee. ;)

I'm super glad I can fit in, although a bit too just nice. :x

Okay, walked over to Cineleisure, while walking over, went to F21 to shop a while. Heh. A ring and necklace caught my eye, but I cannot buy yet, no money! :( Instead, Szemian bought a wallet which doesn't look like a wallet at F21! Lol.

Caught Rule #1.

Super scary please, but I don't understand the story lor ! Anyways, if you just want to scare the hell out of yourself, this is a great movie, if you care a lot about story, then don't watch it please. 5/10 only. They lose the 5 out of ten due to the story ! Unless anyone out there reading can explain to me. Lol. Haiya, my ratings also not important to them. Haha. Forget it.

I don't like, or rather hate them for replacing Fiona's voice lor . Super uncomfortable. D: And the air-con, please, want to freeze us to death meh!

Headed home after movie. We skipped dinner time by walking and eating at the same time. Lol. We bought chocolates and drinks from Cheers, walked and ate at the same time. Pro right! Hahaha! My chocs were super yummy but Nordy doesn't even want to try one! D: So I also don't want her Kinder-Bueno Bar. Heh. :p

Got home at around 10pm! ;D

Awwwww, I miss working life. I want to work laaaaaa . :(((

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