Saturday, March 29, 2008

Might quit again ?

I got prepared by 1hour earlier and got there by half an hour earlier. Lol. Had Ice Milo at the coffee shop while waiting for the time to pass, chatting with Szemian at the same time too. ;)

Work wasn't boring today, instead I'm feeling super tired now. :(

Had to run here and there for the stuff. D:

Uncle is a super great guy, although he looked super fierce, and sounded fierce too, but I know deep inside, he's noooooooooooot ! Hahaha.

Benny is a sucky guy. He's so stern please. Looked funny, crappy, friendly, but ain't at all. This conversation make me dislike him even more. Maybe he's just joking ? I don't know.

This conversation was in Chinese actually, so if you know Chinese, just translate yourself. Lol.

Uncle: What is it ? (Pointing to the packet Benny passed me when I'm with Ruiting.)
Benny: Fried Prawn Noodles, from Beach Rd, very famous one.

Uncle kept forcing me to share with him when I said I don't want already!

Uncle: She whole day didn't eat anything leh.
Benny: On diet ah ?
Me: Ya, sort of. (I was not hungry at that time too)
Benny: Why ? Where got problem ?
Me: Everywhere, cannot see meh ?
Benny: A bit can see la.


He's very mean right ! D:

Ruiting is from Punggol Sec too. She's niceee, but very quiet. :\ I have to keep on find topic to talk about with her, if not very awkward. Lol.

Edwin is one stern guy too. He looked unfriendly, and IS unfriendly. :\

Got another guy I don't know his name, he is niceeeee too, not stern at all. Didn't really chatted with him, but he is the only one who's willing to help me, Benny just tell me where the stocks are, and I got to find it myself, Edwin don't even care about me, unlike him, still asked me what I looking for and helped me to look for it. Niceeee. ;D

That Zinc guy is cuteee ! Waved to me first time, I looked at him, weirdly and he still waved to me the second time. Hahaha. Also said Byebye to me when he's leaving. ;)

Noticed there's a lot of guys ? Haha. If you haven't realized, I'm working at Messy. Guy's apparels boutique. :) There's girls stuff too, but only at at the shop Ruiting is tending, I will help out here and there at both branch, just not Benny's side, cos there's 3 guys there alr. :)

There's one thing which made me super fed up, and make me feel like quiting too.

Doris, our manager, she came today. I was helping Ruiting to look after the shop, she came to check and I saw what she was doing so I can actually guess a bit that she's the manager. Before that also heard from Ruiting that Doris came.

She straight away ask me "How much is this one ?" , "How much is that one ?" , "Do you have a new piece for this one ?" , "Can cheaper not ?" . Yea, she's acting like a customer trying to test me. Well, I think I did it quite badly. :( Cos I admit, I was quite blur. :\ First day only lei , what she expect sia. Ruiting also only roughly told me the prices, and where the stocks are placed at. Stupid manager.

Now , they still think they deceived me and they still don't intend to let me know that person is Doris. -,-

Anyways, she bought 3 top. Lame right. She came while there's customers around lor, want test also don't like that right, distract me lor. Dumbo manager.

So.. it's super obvious, cos Uncle kept on coming over, which he don't before Doris came. And once she come, Ruiting will suddenly disappear. -,- Obvious right.

Doris looked and heard that she's fierce. Super fierce.

The thing I mind most is that they tested me ! And still decide to continue deceiving me. :( (Cried when telling this to my sis just now) I really feel very.. very.. 委屈 . Uncle still they are like a big family. -,- Yea, THEY, excluding me .


And I knock off at 11pm today instead of 10:30pm. Know why ? Edwin forgot I was still in that shop and he was happily celebrating his friend's birthday. -,- Uncle asked me to wait inside, that's why I don't dare to leave. D: Since Edwin apologized, I guess.. I shouldn't be too petty. It's actually nothing much too. Haha. :D I seriously didn't blamed them. They still told Uncle I left already, when I'm still at there. Lame hor. Hahaha. Was seriously not enjoying myself at work today, and I bet every other day if they decide to continue using me.

Unhappy on the first day, I cannot imagine what it will be like for the rest of the days. -,-

Might be quiting again, soon. I don't know, maybe I'll judge from tomorrow instead. See how lor. :(

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