Sunday, November 18, 2007


I'm here to blog! Haha. Haven't been blogging for a few days and I'm already feeling uncomfortable. I hate it when I can't find the time to blog. Have been busy watching 换换爱. Now, I've finished watching it le!! Haha. It's damn nice I tell you. My sister and I watched it during the midnight, always. Haha. && although it's midnight, we won't fall asleep while watching!

Okay, let me blog about some really random stuffs.

I kind of tidied my room that day(don't remember which), and saw these.

The bag I bought with Liqun together. Hers is Silver in colour.

My uniform.

The PE shirt that I bet I never wore more than 5times.
Hahaha! Throwing it away too.

Decided to take this down to show all of you how untidy my room is!
Hahahaha! Anyway, I've tidy it le lah, it's just that, it turned out to be untidy again now.

Found these in my bag and on my table. Hahaha. CS Hair Spa is really in need of customers. I went there before, thus I know how difficult it is to find it. It's too wulu lah. Nobody can find it without some determination. Many will just give up and go to other saloon. But it's quite cheap though, maybe you can tag me or Msn me to ask me about the rates alright.

Went to Ikea on Friday night.

Bought this! Finally got stooooooooock!~
Had actually wanted a pink one, but only have white.

As you know, Ikea is so well-known for the low prices, and do-it-yourself thing. Lol. So I did it myself, all alone, with no help at all. I mean the table. I fixed it up from 5 pieces of wood, to 1 whole piece. But look at what happened to my hand!!

Although the redness didn't last long, but it's really hard work fixing the table up.

And I named this space Bessie Inspired! Hahaha.
Because Bessie's Computer Space is like that too.
Yeayea, I copied her.
This is also to let me remember Bessie!
&& how she always bully me in school!

Oh, bought this for Jia En in Ikea too. Asked my sister to pay first, but in the end, she said she treat us. Haha. Cos I told her, I bought it for Jia En is because I want to eat also. Hyahyahyahya. (Guys, I'm so looking forward to our Christmas celebration! Hope nothing crops up.)

Hmm, I ran out of random stuffs. No photos equals to nothing else to blog about, for me. I have to take photos while I live my life is because I need the photos for me to recall what I did, what had happened, etc. Now, there isn't any photos already. So..


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