Monday, November 19, 2007

Link me up or not?

Have you ever wondered, why do you want people to link you?

I have been thinking about this.

People might browse through The Blogger's link and visit my blog? Which can increase my traffic? Which will let me have opportunities to earn lots of money through Nuffnang and Adverlets? I guess no, to all.

My hits haven't been getting higher. The money I earn through Nuffnang is always the same. Adverlets, needless to say, it's kind of useless. I would rather get the money in RM more than SGD.

Sometimes when I look at the links I would feel a bit pissed off. It's one whole chunk! I know that the people who linked me are kind souls and I shouldn't feel that way, but I just can't, they are all stranger-bloggers. Actually I would check out their blog sometimes to see if they removed my link so I can remove theirs. Haha. I know there must be some blogger out there who's in my link, yet doesn't visit my blog too, just like I don't visit theirs.

Frankly speaking, I think my blog ain't interesting, I don't why there are still more than 20hits per day, I know it's already very low to some of you, but it ain't low for me. I think a person who gets more than 20 hits per day, everyday, is already quite okay. I know some might have 100 or more, but have you wondered, it's because you tagged people and thus they go to your blog to reply or so, instead of actually reading. Try not tagging, try not leaving your link anywhere-everywhere and see how many hits you might have. I think some people are just pulling people to their blog. I'm not pin-pointing. No offence ya.

I guess it's really time I only link my friends, people I know, Bloggers I liked. For example, Jessica. Her blog is really interesting and I guess she's really the fun-loving sort of girl. She just sayblog out how/what she thinks. Esther, Jayden and Xiaxue is my idol too, my everyday reads. Haha.

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