Friday, February 25, 2011


December 24,

Christmas Eve.

Xmas eve still need to work, sian ttm!

Strained my brain the entire day thinking about where we can head to for dinner(after work) for just the 2 of us, enjoying the company on one another, keeping a sweet memory to reminisce in the future.

Finally I found one, through my favourite apps, Hungrygowhere!

Decided to head over to Blu Jaz Cafe for dinner&supper countdown!

Near to knock off time, I told him I already know where we can go to, he asked me to tell him my plans, I told him, "dinner, countdown then go home.".

He told me to follow him after we countdown, of course I naturallily asked him where he want to go to, he said "Molly Sis house".

That was when I felt really pissed.

Because, when we were on the phone yesterday night, we were tryna' decide how we should celebrate our Xmas eve night, and that we've got 3 choices.

1). Just the 2 of us
2). With Jason and co.
3). Molly Sis house

I remembered very clearly he asked me to choose. I was in a dilemma, in the end I chose the first one! I just to be with my one and only love in this special night.

And then, he was not respecting the option I chose!! That was why I'm pissed off!

Seriously what's the point of insisting of letting me choose when he already intended to go to Molly Sis house. In the end, all he did was not making me happy, not at all, what he achieved is my disappointment.

I told him to go himself and I will head home on my own.

Was not in the mood to go for dinner with him already, but when I told him to just go Molly there, he insisted that he want to accompany me FIRST. I don't want it only AT FIRST, what I want is ALWAYS FIRST AND LAST!!! D:

Sigh, so much for thinking and expecting we could have a very sweet and peaceful xmas eve night.

Reluctantly, me and him walked over to Bali Lane to Blu Jaz, settled down and got to realised they don't serve dinner already -.- Only finger food and drinks!

Left and went to walk around looking for somewhere better. & yippee! I'm so glad we found this hidden gem!!

Nabins! Comfy sofa-bed seats, peaceful and good food!

This is the outside, inside is sofa beds!! :D

We kind of had a tiff there due to money issue. & not understanding & lack of communications problems.

He said something which pricked right into the center of my heart.

"You don't know about anything!" , he said that so sternly, I was kind of shocked.

It really hurt me deep down, to my dear Bf, if you are not going to tell me anything, how am I supposed to know what's going on in your daily life and whatsoever. I can't read your mind I can't see through your heart!?

I cried. Yes in the restaurant.

Didn't have any appetite to eat anymore, I just kept sitting at the side and trying to calm my emotions down. After realising I was crying, he did not comfort me at all. He said, "Aiya, next time don't want say anything already la, liddat also cry." .

Am I hard to please or he doesn't love me enough?

Maybe it's my karma? I used to only received love, care and concern from my ex-bf, w/o showing them the least bit back. Now I've got myself this Bf who doesn't show me any and thinks money is the key to decide whether or not and how much is the love.

Sigh, I can't do anything now. I love him so much, I don't think I can afford to lose him.

After I stopped crying, I started eating the food I ordered, wished him Merry Xmas and gave him the chocolate cornflakes I made for him.

I'm glad he find it nice and liked it(:

Szemian Bestie wanted to come over to meet us w/ her Bf. Babylove actually planned to leave after they reached, but don't know why he stayed with us till the end and went home.

Should I feel happy? He is giving in to me. Maybe he decided not to go is because he wanted to avoid any more arguments and upsetting moments.


December 25,


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