Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Think too much!

Bought this fridge magnet 'Guanyin' & 'Yue Lao' frm Minitoons Haha! :D
Uber cuteee!


I met Miaomiao in the train at around 3pm, I think. Headed down to Bugis. Gosh.. I felt like it's been really long since I last went down, but thinking back.. I think it's only like.. 3weeks? HAHA.

Shopped around at Bugis St, with my half-spoiled slipper :( Wanted to buy one to change, but didn't fancy any. The only thing which caught my eyes is a blazer. It's so niceeee! But I can't try it. The top I was wearing was a long sleeve, I folded it up, so the blazer sleeve got stuck half-way and I can't see whether it's nice or not. Oh! I also fancy a bag! Super nice, but I dunno what to wear if I carry that bag lol, too feminine.

Miao bought ALOT of things.

Went to Charles&Keith before we left Bugis to get a pair of slipper I can change to, at first I didn't fancy any, but after trying those slippers display one by one.. Aha! That's the one, comfortable and matches w/ my outfit. :D

Hitz Town! Went over to Far East. Miao spent ALOT again. LOL. Seriously I think I'm not a very good friend leh. I keep asking her to buy HAHAHA! ;D Had our dinner at Green View haha.. Had 'mee tai mak', super niceeee!! Would probably dine there evrytime I go fep :p

My phone's msg tone ringed. It's the phone which I inserted the sim card that's suspended! Finally can use le!! :D A few msges frm friends, chain msges, one was a stranger asking me if I'm Wanlin and ask me to intro-,- , one was from Evon which made me really really happy. Stayed f.delighted for the rest of the day going on! :D I even msged Szemian to tell her! :p

Left town at around 9pm.

Took train to Amk to meet Xiaogui. She's late! Not only late for meeting me, also late for the movie!! We frigging missed the first 17mins!!!!!!!!! Drats!

I bought the tix first, waited for her to rch, then we went to buy drinks and popcorn before going in. Luckily the queue was not very long.

Not too bad.. The last story was uber touching and the most scary out of all, I almost teared. When the mother appeared on the tv waving her hands asking Ah Huey 'jia ba bue' LOL. I was so freak out by the mother's look I covered my eyes only looking thru my fingers, then I only saw her hand waving haha. Xiaogui damn bad lor, kept pulling my hand away! The touching part is when the rocks fell down then the 3 of them looks towards those rocks.. Omg, super touching lah! Oh one more scary part. The fat girl w/ blood in her mouth? That one. Omg, scare me, I really jumped.

After the movie, Xiaogui was feeling hungry, so we walked to the coffee shop behind. Waited for her to finish smoking went to Mac. I didn't ate, was still feeling quite full after the dinner at Far East.

Chatted and chatted in Mac, left cos she wanted to smoke, stood outside chatted and chatted, then sat at the stairs outside Amk hub chatted and chatted, lastly went to the coffee shop as the crowd was lesser already, chatted and chatted. LOL. We have endless topics manxzzx. Actually, I think she have endlesssssss topics w/ evryone and anyone. Haha..

It's was around 5am when we actually decided that we shld go home already, cos she's working today.

There was only one cab, and normally I would get her to go first, cos she needs to work. This time, as usual, I asked her to get in first, but amazingly, she insisted that I go first, cos she thought it's very dangerous for me thr, I was thinking like.. Huh? It's not like we are at Geylang leh.. Lol. Funny.

She msged me when she rch home.. then she told me thr was this grp of guys(ahbengs) and she said she heard them saying they want to know me. Lol. I was thinking like... huh?! again. Lol. From what I saw, the grp of guys are all 'boyyys' haha:D I'm nt interested in boys. Lol.

Rch home around 5:30am. Used the computer cos I need to use my Facebook:D Slept at 9am. Woke up 3hrs later to feed my Restaurant City's worker haha:D

Now I'm waiting.. but I think I might be thinking too much into it. Maybe it's just.. it's just..

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