Friday, October 3, 2008

The House Bunny

Random photos


Went out shopping today with my Sis ..

Took a cab down to Century Square to catch The House Bunny . :) That movie was awesome .. I'd be glad if someone would treat me to that movie again . HAHAAH !

Had Sakae Sushi after the movie ..

Shopped around till 6plus , then took Bus 3 back to Punggol , went to give Jia En the presents I bought for her , home sweet home at 9plus .

Bling-ed my brushes , eyeshadow cases and eyelash curler . :p It's all pretty in pink and bling now !! :D Love it all ..

Received missed calls from Benny and Jun An while I was bathing , called Benny and asked what's wrong , they askedforced me to go Kbox together , cos everyone's going and they know I love Kbox . This time , I was reluctant to go , cos I just bathe and changed into my home clothes and removed my make up , removing my make up isn't a problem , the problem lies with me , being lazy to step out of the house already . :\

After I called Benny and rejected to go , Jun An called me , I said the same thing , then Meizhu called , after Meizhu , Doris .. Doris is the most scary one , scare me with all the threatening . :x HAHA .. My Sis ask me to say this say that(can see that she doesn't want me to go , BADLY -,-) , all no use .. So I was about to prepare to go already , cos I felt like singing and I want to go get my pay , some more I don't wish to miss out any gathering with them(they're super fun peoples) , but my Sis went to "complain" to my Mum before I told her I'm going out , then my Mum say cannot go then kept on nagging and nagging about me always going/staying out in late hours , so I text Doris to tell her I really cannot go . Jun An called and said they'll wait for me at AMK Hub , but I told him I really cannot go le .. Lucky they can understand I really can't go , not I don't want (abit don't want actually :p) ..

SO ...

In the end , I stayed at home . I think it's really too bad la , if only I went to Bugis after I parted with my Sis at Tampines . Sighhhh .. I want to sing so badly .. Molly's treat lei .. Don't have to pay a fucking cent .. D:

&& now , my mood is fucking bad .


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