Monday, November 26, 2007


(These photos look fun, but it's just for a while, because Jia En left for Singapore not long after.)

I'm now still at my Cousin's House, which is still in Malaysia lah. Was actually supposed to go back to Singapore, because something cropped up in their Family, and since this is their Family Matters, I shall not elaborate much. Sad thing I say.

Okay, we decided to stay here, in their house alone, with no owners around, all of us who're in this house now are from Singapore. As I've mentioned, something cropped up, thus they went to settle it. They'll be back after 3-4days, I think. Will just have to rot at their house, doing almost nothing, other than being irritated. Haha.

It's now left with a true adult, me and 3 primary school kids, dangerous huh, but what else can we do. We decided to stay ourself, blame no one. Just have to find those meaningless things to do.

I ate, watched Tv, slept, watched tv, ate, played pokecards, use the computer. That's all. It's totally bullshit. I hate the life now, without my deary Yurii Cousin. :(((

Okay, wondering why I doesn't want to go back right?

It's because..

I think coming here and then going back, then come here again is uber troublesome! I hate to trouble people, having to drive me here and there, moreover, it's effing long journey. Tough for the one who will be driving. :\

The computer they owned is effing slow, lag till siao. I cannot stand slow poke computer. -,-

So, instead of using this super lag computer, I guess I'll go do something else, yeayea, those meaningless stuffs. :(

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