Saturday, October 26, 2013

August 8 | KL w/ Family

KL trip with family to visit relatives . 婆婆 and 公公 have aged SO much , everytime we go back to see them , they super happy one ! Hehe . 

Was just a super short trip . Stayed home most of the time . Only went town on the second day and that's all !

Ooooooooh how I love this !!! First try and totally in love . Used to only drink Mocha Frappé . Haha ..

RM2 for I forgot how many minutes massage .  :\

JB for abalone noodles before heading back to Sgp ! Can't have enough of this :b  I always order the dry one  :)

Bought Krispy Kreme back ! Love the original glazed one hehe . Wanted to give out one but realised using those containers to put like very weird haha .. So in the end we ate as many as we could and the rest were thrown by my father -.- I asked him why he threw , he still can answer me "甜到要死,哪里可以吃的!还买到这么多!" zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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