Friday, June 17, 2011

Lucas Shop

Last month, I placed order on a couple tshirts in a Facebook Shop, Lucas Shop .

This owner(let's just call him/her Lucas), really got my blood boiling.

I remember clearly I msged Lucas on the 1st of May, ordered and made payment. He assured that I will get my item before May 20, cos I wanted this for my Batam Trip on May 23. He also said that the orders are sent every 2 weeks and will arrive in 2 weeks. So I thought I can really get the tshirts before May 20!

Soon, the date arrived and despite msging and posting on this Lucas's wall and Facebook msg, I never get any replies back. I decided to text him. Yup, I got a prompt reply. Then it was slow again. Seriously inefficient.

Y'know, if you want to do online business, the first thing you should take note is on responding to emails or whatever. This Lucas FAILED.

He said my he has a parcel stuck at the custom, and JUST SO NICE, my item is in that parcel ! Wtf. He was nice, he asked if I want to get a refund and I regretted my decision of NOT getting it. D:

I had a very very unpleasant deal with him because of this and I was really disappointed.

This was what I got and I seriously don't advise you girls to buy anything from him. I dealt with him because I really loved this tshirt and the other online shops were OOS.

This was what I got and why I regretted not getting a refund.

I can never fit into this tiny piece of cloth!! D:

Damn sway.

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