Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kinder Surprise

Me favourite of all times!
Who doesn't love Kinder Surprise!?

I was so disappointed when I got to know that they changed the Kinder Surprise to the plastic cover ones now! So when I saw these at USS, no second thought, I bought 2 boxes! Teehehe:b

I always take out the "surprise" in it, and always get so excited to open it up and fix the toy! Haha.. Even until now, it's still the same feeling! But nowadays, the toys more n more lame and simple to fix leh! Last time more complicated, so you'll feel more challenging when you are fixing it and when the time comes that u completed it, you will feel sooo contented and proud of yourself! Haha..

Eh, as I was typing this, I was thinking.. Is the toy getting easier to fix or is it I am getting cleverer? Hahaha!

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