Saturday, April 2, 2011

10 months together.

Went to Golden with Yuki and Xgui. Xgui is going back to M'sia to attend to the singing competition. Hope she will do it well and get to the next stage.

Bought Thai's mangoes and the Fanta drink. :b It was my first time trying this drink. Taste exactly like F&N Cherry-.-

When we were at Golden Mile, I got to know that the Bf ain't going to JB to have supper like what he told me. He didn't lied, but the guy who was supposed to drive them to JB last min put aeroplane. But still, he did not informed me and was trying to hide it. It is still considered an act of dishonest.

I hate it that he misused my trust for him, and when I told him that, he said, "if you don't trust anymore nvm.". What kind of a boyfriend is this?!! Other girls get their Bf to coax them when they have a tiff, but me? Nothing. I am only showered with words that made me felt like "eh? am I in the wrong?" . Wtf seriously.


March 23,

10 months together.

Had actually made a reservation at La Cantina @ Changi Village, but we got it canceled just 1-2hours before the dinner.

The Bf and I had a tiff the night before and I was still considering if I should meet him. It was our 10th month and I wished we could have some nice memories along with good food in La Cantina. :(

He wasn't supportive of the idea of going to La Cantina as he thought it was a waste of money since we are going to go to Hk/China already, we can enjoy more if we start being more thrifty.

Different concept, I say.

Well, I then stayed home the whole afternoon till he wakes up and I went to Jurong Point to meet him after I finished watching my show on the television.

Reached JP at around 8-9pm. Had our late dinner at New York New York! My first time dining there! ^^

After dinner before we caught the movie, Big Momma, I requested for a cake! (:

The cake is not so nice :x Maybe it's because I don't really fancy Raspberries.

This show is super funny! I like it. The soundtrack is nice too! (:

After movie, we walked back to his place. He opened up the present!

Teehehe.. It's the jacket he tried and liked it a lot from Topman. Burnt a whole in my wallet! :(

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