Monday, June 21, 2010

Offday w/ Bestie !

June 17 .

Offday w/ Bestie !

Had this hair on till we reached 313 , my rubberband went missing -,-

Met Bestie @ Somerset . First stop was 313 hehe :p My all time favorite shopping mall ;)

Headed over to newlook first , caught my eye on a pair of jeans and the shirt I was eyeing on last week . But expensiveee , so we decided to walk around a bit more before I decide whether to buy or not :p

Walked around the whole mall . Disappointments in F21 haha used to have so many pretty pieces , but recently have been getting out of it empty handed . Actually I liked a tee in F21 , but the quality wasn't worth my 25bucks .

Uniqlo to get a hoodie . Mad comfy manszx . I got the pinkyorangy one , liked the yellow one too :( Took reaaaal long to decide on the colour . Lol .. Might be going back to get a yellow one if they stock up their sizes . S size was damn fitting , for a jacket I guess M would fit better :D

Headed back to newlook . Wanted to get the jeans I eyed on :D BUT ! When I was about to pay for it , the salesperson told me that 1 item is 10% off 2 items will be 20% and 3 items 30% off . So again I took maddddd longgggggg to decide . In the end I took the shirt which I had already cast off my list of buys . Haha .. Total was like $107 . :\

Total $140 here :x

Bestie bought nothing ! Like it's always I'm the one shopping :\ Always spending like mad . Hmm , or is it I'm only thinking about myself every time we go out shopping together ? :\

Walked over to Cineleisure to have our lunch/dinner . Our all-time fav again teehehe :p Hongkong Cafe ! Had chitty chatty chats girls talk . Haha ! Love talks like this .. Discussing , laughing , sharing (:

Super yummy red bean chinese pan-cake teehehe :p Love it .

Before we left HKC , I suggested that we watch Toy Story 3 together , so I asked Bestie to ask her bf and I ask my love (: Her bf was fine with it , my love got no choice only can say okay LOL :D Love him ttm;D

Got this at Cine . I likeee it :D

Went to get the tixs first then sat down at Frolickkk enjoying ! :p

Waited for them to reach .. Meanwhile met Meiping , her bf and Jingping haha :D They were going to go to Kbox to celebrate Jingping's birthday (:

Gotcha ! Meiping & her bf . :D


After my love reached , was just nice , movie timeee :D

After movie was straight home sweet home (: I cabbed home with Bestie while our bf cabbed home together haha :D

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