Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Nightmare On Elm Street

June 5 .

Movie .

After work went to the movie with my love , Yiwei and Liting (:

Walked around so much trying to find somewhere to eat -,- End up , still chicken rice . Lame shitszx .

While we were having our supper , I talked about this cute guy Leo . && something I said pissed my love off , I guess . He ignored me totally after that :(

Went to the movie A Nightmare On Elm Street , totally godamn scary ! D:

I was , pissed off too , by his coldness . So I chose to ignore him too . :\

Until I reached home , saw something he posted on Fb , he said I really dont know how he feels . I admit I was in the wrong to be talking about a reaaaally seriously cute guy infront of my bf , but I really thought it was nothing much as Leo was younger than me ! :x

I chose to ignore that post but then , I saw another one . It says "if you dun love me pls leave me(:" , I will never ever forget this sentence which comes with a smiley face at the end .

I smsed him a long text . What I got in reply was just the same as what he posted on Fb . -,- Then I realised he deleted that second post after I voiced out that it hurts , alot .

I teared and stopped for sooo many times while sms-ing with Kohkoh at the same time reading through what I sent him , hopefully he will get that I'm really feeling sorry .

He didn't replied . Even after 3 texts I sent . I just kept crying with Piggy , my tears all fell on Piggy haha :'D Cried until I felt really tired , I went to sleep .

A horrible night .


The next day , I thought my love was still upset with me , the thought about that sentence almost made me teared on bus again haha . When I reached shop , told Ahyong Auntie about this , cried . :'\ I didn't know it really hurts that bad to the extend I will feel hurt everytime I talked about it .

It was until when my love sent me a sweeeeeeeeeeeet lovelove sms then I felt really so muchhh better ! Totally save my day ! Haha :D

After this whole thing , my love told me he was actually hesitating whether to sms me or not , cos he was considering if he should 'pull high high and sell' . -,- Wtf .


June 8 .

Movie .

Went to the movie with my love after work .

Sweet sweet night . Haha:D && nice show ! I likeee . Went home straight after movie ! Nothing to do around Cine le , haha :D

Tml off , meet my love for shopping spreeeeeeee ! ~ Excited for this GSS thing teehehe !! :p

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