Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Once A Gangster .

May 22 .

Once A Gangster .

With the little girls . Sharon & BB (:

For the whole of that day , I was more like babysitting than working on sales . -,-

Was like taking care of this Mr. Slow Tshirt girl . Haha ! Qing's daughter . She's uber cute , but naughty at times . Energy totally drained out just by entertaining her :x Brought her along to buy food , end up she want buy durian lol .. One box of durian she just ate one frigging piece , some more never finish and the rest gave to Shawn lol :D

After work went to the movie with Yiwei , Benny and Hugo .

Went to get the tixs then supper . Omg why do I feel like it's a daily/weekly routine . Haha ! :D Funny sia ..

I didn't ate this time . Haha .. Diet . So difficult for me to get 54Kg . :p

After supper went arcade again . They catch bearbear unsuccessfully while me and Yiwei chatted a bit there .

Wasn't in a very good mood that night . Well , I guess mood swing . Cos I dunno the reason for me acting grumpy either :\

Caught the movie at around 12am . Ended at around 2am . Boring movie la , quite funny but not as amazing as I thought it will be . :(

After movie was deciding where we should go . Kbox , expensive . Topone , expensive . Last decision was on Topone . But cos we waited damn long for a room . They decided to chill at coffee shop . Haha ! They ate , once again . :\ Tak boleh tahan the 3 of them . Eating non-stop . I wasn't hungry so I'm not like them hahahaha ! :D

After their second round of supper , cabbed home . (:

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