Thursday, March 4, 2010

CNY 2010

Ok finally here's my post for CNY. Lol.. Super late I know.. No time lah.. HAHA..


Drove our way up from Sg to KL took us about an afternoon!

Went to 大姨 house and had dinner. After that went to The Mines for shopping! Haha.. Would prefer to have a bit of window shopping rather than staying home and rot, to death. Lol..

And I did not expected I can even get a member card there hahaha! Pro or what? Every single darling who've seen my wallet before will yell "wah, you got so many card ah? Shows that you are a serious shopaholic!" HAHA.. Then everyone goes yakking about all my cards and exploring what cards I have.. :\ The only card I don't have and yearn for is a fucking credit card I can't afford now. :(

After shopping, it's time to go back, but to my 小Q house. Stay that night over there. Shiok night, got aircon.

Guess what? That doll's name is Yumii too! :D


Woke up as early as 6 in the morning and set out to Ipoh.

Took soooooo long to reach! Stopped by a place for our lunch and then continue to our final destination, Timoh!

Granny house is seriously, frigging, damn hot. Gosh.

Have you guys had any chance staying in a Kampong? Like.. really kampong. Haha! You plant your own trees, raise your own chickens, only one toilet and the frigging door is made of aluminum not totally covered, no aircons, a lot of houseflies, spiders, ants, any damn insects are everywhere? Have you experienced staying in this kind of environment before?

That's where my Granny stays and they love it. (: I love it too, but not the afternoon there.

Fucking hotttttttt..!!!

You know, I'm not the kind of person who loves taking bath. BUT! Within 7hours, I took like.. 3times. The 3rd time I took my bath is when the electricity frigging tripped at around 10pm! -,- I on my phone's torch and took it to the bathroom and bathe happily haha! I could never ever do that in anywhere else. :\

Had our reunion dinner at around 8pm and after the dinner was mad boredom. The others are outside playing cards like mad but I was inside the room with my phone watching the episode of 下一站,幸福 I downloaded. And that was when the electricity tripped.

They placed candles everywhere which actually adds up to the humidity.

After I had my bath, the next thing in my mind was where do I sleep. Basically there wasn't mush beds available but there were like 3families staying over 2 rooms to share. My mum and sis took a bed and lied down nicely super quickly, I don't feel like squeezing together in such a situation! It's already very hot. Decided to camp outside the room. HAHA. Cos I saw the 帆布床 outside and decided to make use of it. Heheh! Anyway, what's that call in english, I have no idea leh haha!

It's amazing that I felt quite comfortable and safe as well haha! Cos I'm high up! No whatever shit and get up to me. My mum said there's toad. God-,-

One thing in my mind when I'm on the bed when I heard something.


Fuckshit, seriously..

The put out fireworks like nobody's business, I. don't. like. it.

Then slowly.. while I listens to my music, I fell asleep...

ZzzZzz (v.v) , suddenly (O.O) wide awake!

I got shocked and woken up by a VERY SUPALOUD fireworks. I looked at the time on my phone.. 1am. &^!@#%&*@^$&@^#^%!@^% I fucking feel like screaming!!!

Was already very irritated by the humidity, now finally I fell asleep, I get woken up, IN SHOCK somemore!! D:

But..! Lucky lucky.. I woke up, 二姨 tapped my and ask who I was, then when I answered it's me she ask me to go to her room and sleep with Ahmay jiejie.. Heheh..

Woahhh, the bed was so soft, so comfortable I think it didn't took me more than 10minutes to fell back into my lovely sleep.

I think as the time gets later, it became cooler, cos I felt really cold like in the middle on my sleep and woke up once more. Haha..

Overall, not a very good night sleep.


Yay! It's CNY.. HAHA..

Got woken up by Bro in the morning when everyone were already up. Haha..

Had to queue to go to the toilet and wash up and prepare. After we're done with preparing, had our not-so-nice vegetarian lunch, then waited and waited.. dunno for what.

Sat in the living room with everyone else, roughly listening to what they're talking about, but out of maybe 3 sentence maybe I can only understand 2-3 words and have to estimate what they say.

Suddenly.. The Buddha picture frame on the ancestors table fell down and the glass broke into pieces. Inauspicious I know, but every just kept mum and they started picking up the glass pieces while chanting..

My Granny said it's because of the fan, it's great that she thinks it in a positive way(:

After they gathered everything together, they burnt it away. Set up a new Buddha picture and get set, done.



Bye Kampong house. They're going to sell this house away.
Sigh.. Memories.. ...

小Q booked a resort at the middle of Genting Highland.

Was starving when we reached at around 4pm, so they went downhill to buy some food back.

Had our fills and then was resting time. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Haha! Nothing better to do already.

Woke up after a while like around 6pm, had dinner and off to Genting Highland! Drove uphill and enjoy the cooling breeze in the car. Shioooook!

By the time we reached was near 10pm already, most of the retail shops are closed and the only place we can hang around at was the arcade, while all the uncles aunties went to the Casino.

Though it was reaaaally cold, but I enjoy having ice-creams there! Haha. I had 2 cones of Chocotop! Yumyummy.


Woke up in the noon, prepared and off to 叔婆 house. They are frigging rich, they lived in the midhill of Genting!! Shiok or not? Haha! Save money on fans and aircons there lol..

We the youngsters had enough of sitting there and do nothing, so left first while the old people continues their grandmother grandfather stories there.

We drove up and up and finally reached, can't find a parking lot!! In the end, wasted our one hour finding parking lot. Lucky got 小Q Silver card, if not the carpark we found also cannot use!

Was starving so had our lunch at Pizza Hut!

First thing we did was have a game of bowling! Heheh. Half way through bowling Ahmay jiejie and Zhaozhao jiejie left to head back to KL. Fuckshit I never striked at all lor! Everytime I play will strike de leh, be it lucky or got skill sure have one lah! Saddddd.

After bowling we went shopping!

Pretty t-shirts! :D Quite expensive if w/o 50% 0ff.

Came across this Laser Maze we played before, decided to play it once more~ But who knows, they changed it, and no more puzzles!! Not challenging at all already. Waste our money and time. -,-

After that was 1 bloody hour walking around with Bro trying to get some money from the ATMs cos he wanted to buy something and he ran out of cash already. Had a lot of problems with it, he called OCBC and did this did that everything, finally after a hour he succeed and he swear he will take out all the money he saved in the OCBC bank lol..

Had nothing to do, so went to the archery side to play cos we got vouchers for some free arrows. First time! Fun!

I'm number 12.

Also went to the 4D show.. Nicey nice!

Had already have some plan for the night, but end up got disrupted by the old people again when they reached like so late. -,- They brought Jason along and he had to take care of him. There goes our movieee..! Only can stay in the arcade.

After playing with the arcade games we went to sat on the indoor roller coaster! Asked Jason if he's ok with it, cos he's only 7. He's fine with it so off we gooooo! When we got down, he said he wants to pee. LOLWAKAKAHAHA!! Super cute lahhh!!

Left Genting quite late, went downhill for roadside loklok once more heheh, me sis mum and bro went there for supper the day before too.. This time was with everyone, haha! The loklok super nice and the feel damn good! Stand there cook yourself, and stand there eat while cook until full, pay and go.. Easy come easy go lol.. Wah, now talking about it still makes me drool.. I wanna have it again! :D


Was disturbed by my Dad hitting my toes with a comb waking me up! Fucking irritated. Seriously. Irritated to the extend I felt hatefulness. -,- Somemore this trip made me feel a lot of unhappiness with him. Sigh..

Time to come back to Sg, drove back to 二姑 house, had lunch then went over to 凯妈 house. Rest chit chat there till evening, drove back to Sg!

Finally home sweet home around 8pm.

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