Tuesday, June 2, 2009


May 29 , Friday
Met SzemianBestie after work at e coffee shop . Had our fill , then started chatting abt everything . (: Love chatting with her ^^ Home sweet home at around 3am . *cravings for Roti Prata*

Did some freaking meaningful msges with Ghost .
*If u can read chinese then good for you , if nt , too bad :[*

Ghost: 什么时候学会了用微笑代替哭泣;什么时候学会了用沉默代替孤单。不要因为好怕跌倒而不学走路;不要因为害怕受伤而不去争取。只要感觉对了就勇敢的尝试,不要等到机会没了才后悔。铁达尼号装上冰山后都还有最后的生还者。在爱情里只要你不去尝试到最后,你永远也不会知道自己会不会是那最后胜利的生还者。我是你的爱情顾问可是我真的不知道你在想啥米?!但是我感觉到你还在为“爱”这个字烦恼!我是觉得性格上,年龄上,啥米都好都不重要有些是可以改的!我觉得如果你已经知道自己最喜欢的是谁了就勇敢去尝试吧!好过你在路边随便捡石头!

Me: 谢谢,但是我还是选择暂时单身。我觉得如果我跟双鱼座(AY)在一起我会伤到他。我不想捡不适合的石头。我怕会磨到它裂开,最后碎掉。造成的伤害会是双方面的,我把它磨碎,它把我割伤。干啥呢!还不如我再等更适合的。这样我也不用费心费力的去磨它。一捡到就觉得很喜欢很适合。不是吗?只不过,我现在不知道要怎么把我捡起的石头轻轻的放下,不要造成太大的裂痕。

(In case you're very troubled abt the stone thing , read this msg ..)
爱得感觉总是在一开始甜蜜 ,总觉得多了一个人陪,多了一个人帮你分担你的烦恼,你终于不再孤单了,因为至少有一个人会想着你,恋着你。只要能在一起就是好的,但是慢慢的,随着认识的加深,你开始发现了对方的缺点,于是问题一个接一个出现。你开始觉得烦,累,甚至想要逃避。其实爱情就像磨石子一样,有人总想捡到一个适合自己的石子,但你又如何知道什么时候能捡到呢?或许刚捡到的时候,你不是很满意,但是请记住人是有弹性的。很多事情是可以改变,只要有心,有勇气。与其到处去捡未知的石头,还不如将自己已拥有的石头磨亮磨光。你明了吗?别把随地的未知石头都捡起。珍惜你所拥有的,这就是恋爱的开始。不要随便牵手,更不要随便放手。


May 31 , Sunday


I msged AY ..

Me: 睡了吗?我们做朋友就好,好吗?
AY: Why you got boyfriend liao ha?
Me: 没有,就像我说过的。我们不是很适合 我不想要勉强在一起 。了解吗?
AY: Sorry I very tired then I want to sleep . Sorry ya . Goodnight .
Me: Sorry . Goodnight .

I chose to msg him in chinese is bcos I'm afraid he won't get what I want to say in eng . Felt super bad abt it . :[ Hope he isn't affected much , but his reply sounds like he's trying to .. sigh , I dunno how to say ..

Nobody knows abt it . Until Miaomiao msged and asked me abt him the next day , she must be very honoured she's the first to know lor .. Haha ! :D

June 1 , Monday
This is a very very malu day . -,-

First I checked my acc balance and made sure that I can use my Nets to pay for my cabfare , but when I was reaching , I opened my bag .. I DIDN'T BROUGHT MY ATM CARD ALONG !! D: Called Ghost to borrow $12 lol ..

Second , I realised my slipper is going to spoil , but I thought it won't break so fast , so continue wearing it .. I went to the toilet .. Came out and when I was beside the shoe shop .. It broke . I didn't brought any money along , so asked if I can get the slipper first , then I go down take money . :\ Luckily she's kind enough . Haha ! :p

Finally get pay liao , it's been a long long wait to the 1st . :[ Shopping tml with Bessie . Getting PINKY PINKY DS LITE TML , TRIPLE YAY !!


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