Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Here to update again ! :D

Some updates made, look for the blockquotes ! ;)


Uber amazed by myself. Haha. Supposed to start work at 1pm, so I have to wake up at 10:30am, I woke up automatically at around 9am ! HA HA HA .

Went to the Guardian outside Bugis Mrt, looking for the foundation I'm using cos I lost it at don't know where. -,- They never sell it, so just when I turned back, I saw a body right in front of me. I looked up..

Guess who is it ?


Edwin The Monkey !! Hahaha ! :D

( He won't be reading this, so I can write whatever I want. Hehe. :p )

He's going to Bugis Street, then he saw me, so followed me . Lol. I told him I'm going to Parco's Watson, so he accompany me. The feeling of walking with him was uber great, such a handsome guy friend I have . :p Walk together also very proud. HAHAHA ! Watson also don't have, so we walked over to Bugis Street to report for work ! Parted at Messy. I went X-Factor to write the time first then go Cosine, don't know where he go meanwhile, but saw him at Cosine talking to Ruiting when I went there. ;)

Went back to X-Factor after I put my bag at Cosine, slack there till around 1:30pm then go back Cosine. :p

I told Ken that Edwin is at Bugis Street, he suddenly smiled until very evil and say "Wahhh, both of you still got contact ah .. " , I was like.. "No la, we bumped into each other at Mrt station just now ! ". Lol. After Ken, Rickson start to tease me also. -,-

Rickson want to go buy lunch , then he tell Ken he not going to ask Uncle, because Madeleine is there. Then I ask why, he ignored me and continue talking to Ken, said something like "不顺路". I kept asking Ken about it, but he just ignored me and say nothing nothing. D: Basically, that 30 minutes while I was there, I was pestering them for that "why and what thing" . Hahaha ! After Rickson come back, I ask him also, then Ken tell him "不要讲hor !" . Then Rickson walk away. :( Edwin come already, I ask Edwin help me ask Ken then tell me, he also don't want !! D:

So I just go back Cosine lor ! Still can go what ! ALL don't want shareeee . :( Although Rickson got say a bit, he said something like "因为她要吃Nasi Lemak, 我不顺路 . ", then I ask.. "你都还没有问她, 你又懂她要吃Nasi Lemak ." , once I said that, I realized, she really every time eat Nasi Lemak, and then Rickson say "我这个Nasi Lemak 跟她那个不一样hor ! 她那个两三块而已, 我这个三四块hor !" . LOL ! You get what he want to say ? He's just looking down on the Nasi Lemak Madeleine always eat, and it's the fact . Madeleine once told me that the Nasi Lemak very cheap, then the first few days when she started working, she ate Nasi Lemak. HAHAHA !

F.Y.I , we don't like her. Basically, it's me, Ruiting, Rickson and Ken la. Benny say he okay one. LOL. Uncle sure won't don't like her, Doris also, Eugene also. So only the 4 of us don't like her. :p

Work was super boring laaaa !

No customers, the others were all busy packing the stocks, I mean Messy and X-Factor. Then Cosine, last time when I nothing to do I already packed myself, only left the top shelves, difficult to pack alone.

So I got nothing to do la, then see they all so busy.. Nobody come find me talk talk a while. :p

Since I got nothing to do, I will feel very bored right.. So I find thing to do la, then every time like that one, once I've got something to do, all the people will come in . -,- Then when I sitting / standing there, very sin nang, nobody want to come in. D:

Sales ain't good .


Off-day .

Went out with Szemian Nordy.

She came to my house first, then leave for Punggol Plaza cos I wanted to cut hair, but Wendy was not around, so I skipped it, and we went to PS. :)

Carrefour for Szemian's FBT shorts, then walked around at Dhoby Xchange, left for Bugis not long after cos she wanted to buy bags.

Actually she don't want go de lei, but cos I psycho her that Jason there a lot choices, so she agreed. Hahaha ! :D

Heh. I'm always going back to Bugis during my offs. :p Lame right, but fun la! Hahaha! Can stay at Uncle there chit chat, cos normally when working, I cannot run around ma, I tend Cosine alone.

After we reached Village, looked for uncle first, then went to J-Square. Jason wasn't at the branch opposite Messy, so went to the other one he's at. ;)

Indeed, Szemian got a bag there. :p

She must thank me lor.. but actually she don't want the one she bought one, she want the 2 pockets one, again is I psycho her buy the 4 pockets one. :p She ask me to help her wait for them to order the 2 pockets one, then help her take already pass her, I don't want.. So she get the 4 pockets one. HAHAHA. I very bad right.. but really the 4 pocket one nicer. Jason give her $4 discount. Haha. :D

I was wearing Messy's specs, then Jason ask me lend him a while, I lend lor, after that when I want to leave already he don't want return me ! Keep ask me say "Please", then I say already he will say "Please who" ! -,- So I said a lot of times, "Please, Jason.. " , ask Szemian lor ! He keep on act cannot hear, want me to say so loud !! D: Stupid Jason.

Took the specs and went back to Messy, put our bags inside and slack slack again. :p Haha.

Chatted with Szemian there .. We talk damn softly just in case if they heard everything we say. :p

I'm the crew there ! ;D

I look super ugly here. :x

Szemian talking to Rickson ; Szemian laughing ; The innocent Szemian. :p
Cute right, these photos. ;D

Rickson The Mean-y .

Uncle !
He look very fierce lor, but he's not fierce la. :p

Madeleine the Ghim Moh. :\

I asked Uncle about a guy whom I saw and got to know he work for Messy last time also. Then Uncle kept on saying that I like him, keep teasing me about him la ! Then when John came, Uncle ask him for that guy's name (Uncle don't have a good memory) . So now, John also think I interested in that guy, when the only thing I want to know is his name. -,-

Think Szemian Nordy really saw a great show.. See how I get bully every time. :(

Helped out a little at Cosine. Bought a Ladies Tee and 2 Cardigans. Same goes to Ruiting ! We bought the same Tee, it's the 2 last piece. :p As for the Cardigans, I got myself one Royal Blue and Grey while Ruiting got a White and Red one. ;)

Just in case you think I got my pay already, I haven't. The things we buy there can deduct from our pay one. ;) Heh.

By the way.. Just to advertise a bit..

Cosine is having a promotion now. For the Cardigans, it's one for one, buy one get one free. It'll only cost you $16.90 for 2 super comfy cardigans. It's the long type, can cover until buttock if you ain't tall. We have Royal Blue, Royal Purple, Grey, Brown(Super thick), Red and Pink. We have new stocks for all of it. ;D So where else can you find this super fucking good deal !!! Come down to Cosine now okay ! It's just opposite the escalator at Bugis Street.

So headed home at around 10:30pm. -,- Normal knock off time. Haha. Had wanted to leave earlier one, but I have to wait for Doris to come back from Parco, cos got to tell her what I take mah , helping Ruiting inform also . Lucky Benny help us, if not we will have to leave even later lor !

I felt super apologetic to Szemian lor. It's like.. She have to be back home at 10pm, if not her parents will nag, then every time she's out with me, I sure will drag until very late. I think it's really good that she don't want to learn to play pool, if not sure I sure will drag her go play every night ! Hahaha !

Anyways, I think it's a fun fun fun, triple fun day ! :D

If I'm not wrong.. Szemian is also friends with them already. :p HAHA.


When I'm on my way to work in bus 3, saw an accident at the flyover. The motorbike rider bleed a lot ! Super disgusting, can see his blood on the road. Yucks. I hope this won't happen to any of my friends who owns a bike, including my cousin who got a bike license recently, but don't know got bike mah. Haha.

Worked at X-Factor today. Totally a mood swing day. I don't like to work at X-Factor laaa ! I got no choice though, it's either I learn both Messy and X-Factor also, if not I'll be "on the dot" . On the dot to get kicked . :(

The tee we bought together says " absofuckinglutely single ! " .


12pm work day .

Once I reached, Rickson went like.. "Wow, you're early !" . -,- Stupid Rickson ! D:

Jason is also a stupid irritating guy .

Keep on ask me for my Ez-Link and show people, I don't mind him showing it to people, but cos I was super urgent at that time and he don't want return me, so I just leave my Ez-link with him and ran to the Ladies. :p

You all don't know lor, Rickson's IC.. Damn funny I tell you. I see already, I laugh like a mad woman. I know it's rude, I know I know.. but it's really super funny, so I tell Rickson, next time when I'm not in a good mood, ask him show me his Ez-link. HAHAHA!!!!

While I was eating 卤大肠加饭, Benny came, he asked me what I was eating and where I bought it.. After a while, Rickson came to use the Nets machine, he asked me that 2 question also. LOL.

Nothing much .

Oh ..

Ruiting won't be working at Messy already.

Doris ask her to try go another shop work, cos Ruiting is the same as me.. We don't like X-Factor.. So I guess the next one to go will be me. So since her performance at the guys shop ain't good, Doris got her another job and let her go try, but if she don't like or what, can come back anytime. Doris told her not that she's not good, but because she think Ruiting like to sell girls clothes more. Then Cosine got me already. Which I think she's being contradicting again.. She once told Madeleine I will be at Cosine for sure, then she want put me at X-Factor now. -,-


I'm a superwoman .

11am work day.

Overslept in the train. Sit until City Hall, so have to sit back to Bugis again lor. Hahaha. So I thought I will be late, lucky is Benny open shop, not uncle, cos uncle timing super accurate one, Benny is always late. :\

Ate Kuay Chup, Rickson go buy, so since he's always eating Kuay Chup, I thought of trying it too.

It's niceeeee. :)

I tell you.. Super irritating lor. While I was eating.. Jason kept on scaring me!! All the while when I was eating.. I think I got scare for at least 5 times lor. -,- He never fail, not even once okay. Stupid !

When I open Cosine.. got cockroach lor ! D: Stupid disgusting freak. Got the Uncle next door to help me. Hahaha! That Uncle is super funny.

Went over to X-Factor after Ah Gal came at 1pm.

Sian laaaaa . Don't like to be there. D:

Lucky Gal go over to Parco for a very long time. So I can help out at Cosine . :p Don't need to be at X-Factor.

After I go back to X-Factor, I got no sales at all. Listen carefully. NOT AT ALL.

At around 10plus, got one last customer.. I served him.. but I don't know why after I ask Rickson something, the customer became his . :\ Although he's still nice enough to "let" me have that sales by asking me to tell Doris is I serve one, but the fact is I served that customer first ! So I don't know la, when I tell Doris the amount, she asked me who serve one.. Obviously she know is not me, so I tell her.. "Starting is I serve one, but after that is Rickson serve." .

Doris say if I cannot do well in X-Factor, I'll be on the dot already. Benny said that too. Guess I AM on the dot already. :(

Well, there's still a lot of shops hiring at Bugis Street. Just hope that I won't drift apart too much with them(which I think we will) if I really got sacked. :'(

Forgot something . Zuo Peng, Wei Xiang and Jun Yang saw me, they saw me the first time at Cosine, second time at X-Factor ! Haha. I think it's really confusing for people who don't know. :p I asked them to buy they don't want! :( Zuo Peng say next time when he got bring enough cash. Who knows when the next time he come I will still be there or not.


I'm Spongebob, remember ?

Went to work at 1pm.

I don't dare to fall asleep already, but if I know Ah Jie will call me to wake me up, I sure sleep. Hahaah! Talked with him until I reach shop and open Cosine, until I got caught by Ken for not serving customers. :p Lucky is Ken, if is Doris / Uncle, I can get "pok" straight away liao. Sigh.

Ate Mac, sinful sinful! Got Madeleine to help me buy. Heh. :p

Sales was normal la. At least got 1 page.

I don't really remember what happen lei , forgot to save in my phone first. :p

At around .. I forgot but still working time , conference with Ruiting, Or Gao and Ah Jie, didn't really pay attention to what they say, cos I scare later they come then see me using phone.

At around 1plus, also conference, but also never pay attention, cos I was watching tv . Haha. :D

Just something I forgot to mention. At around 10plus, got 2 customers, girls at around my age, they're super sociable. So we chatted and chatted a lot. Haha. They kept on persuading me to wear shorts, then I insisted not to. :p They're really nice .

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