Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Madeleine reads my blog !



Was super shocked to receive a call from Alvin, or rather Joker . He ask me whether I'm working and said he's going down to Bugis.

First thing in my mind is .. Fuck shit, Ah Jie is coming down tooo !

Hahaha !

In the end, never meet until Ah Jie, Alvin(Used to calling him Alvin already) came but Ken was teaching me some things at that time, so I had to act like I don't know him, and he acted like he don't know me too. -,- Haha. Super awkward laaaaaa ! Ken even suspect he wanted to .. :p Not gonna elaborate .

I'm super disappointed with Ruiting, she wanted to bluff me into going to V2. D: She intend to hide the place they're going to go until we reach . Not angry but disappointed, lucky I never follow. Not going to elaborate also .

(We reconciled already, look below .)

Took bus 80 with Rickson . He's uber nice to take 80 with me. Heh. ;)

When I'm on my way home, I mean when walking home from bus stop, I received a stupid sms from Rickson .

He asked me " how are you ? ", but actually he wanted to ask who I am, then he claimed that he received a miss call from my number today, then I play with him , keep don't tell him who I am, at last I called him and tell him la, plus laugh at him also. :p


Ruiting sms-ed me then we quarreled, this is the day which we really quarreled . End up also reconcile ! Hahaha . It's a small thing only, so no point remembering and not forgiving right . I forgive and forget super easily. :p

She went down to Bugis, but we didn't really talked much, cos you know.. it's a bit like.. Awkward plus got the scar there already. :(

(but now really is like nothing happened!)

Had wanted to go home together, but I board the bus first, cos I sms-ed her she never reply, so i thought she left . :x So in the end, we went home separately, despite her waiting for me . Haha. Felt quite bad uh !

Chatted on the phone with Rickson for a while, then called Ah Jie, Ah Jie ask me call here call there, when around 12:30am ask me 1am then call him back, so I called Rickson but talked till 2plus with him. :p Called Ah Jie back after that , then he kept on ask me go sleep plus he's a little unhappy that I chatted with Rickson, hang up at around 4am . Bathe, then received a miss call from Unknown, but got call back again . Is Orgao la. Haha. Talked with him till around 5am .

So that's the time I slept . Super tiring . D:

A busy calling day . :x

OH ! I remember something I haven't mentioned !


I was talking to Ah Mok outside Cosine, but I got kept on look in constantly , and Ruiting's friends are inside the shop too, so I was not alert .

Then after we finished talking, I went into the shop, I realised all the shawls are missing, I thought it was Rickson(I saw him going in, but I ignored him), don't know take to where, maybe he took that to display or something, so I went to Messy ask, then he denied ! D: So they said it's stolen . The thief got caught and Gal said Eugene called the police, then I got to split the amount of the Shawls with the thief, which will be $50 . I don't have that much, so I gave Gal $29 only (all that I have) . Once I gave her, not more than 5minutes, she walked back and said "We played a joke on you only la" . I don't think it's funny, but still got to fake a smile and ask "Why lei ?" . Gal then said "Cos you talking to a guy outside !" . My first thought was .. Why my Sister tell Gal I talking to Ah Mok !!

Teared and was super angry with them . D':

Ignored them for a while only, after that I okay liao . Haha . I forget really fast neh ! :p but I was really super angry ! D:

Rickson said he's ABA !
Hahaha, guess I'm SAA then !


Rickson kept on laughing at my top today laaaa ! Sickening Sister ! D:

Ask him give me wake up call also never ! Still make me anxious, afraid that he haven't wake up, that's why never call me . Lucky Ah Jie remember ! Hmph ! I tell you, super weird lor, I think I really very tired, I forgot to turn on my alarm on the previous night . Stupid right, lucky I got Ah Jie this live alarm clock . :x

Nothing much .

Sales was super, extremely, fucking, sucky bad . D:

Called Ah Jie, but he hang up on me while I was talking to Nelson on my handphone, cos he said he was tired already . So I called Rickson to chat luh, chatted till around 3am ! Haha. :D

Monday / Today

This time, Rickson Sister/Uncle remember to give me wake up call ! :D Hahaha ! Nobody will understand our Sistership and the uncle thing . :p

Super embarrassing while on my way to work. I think my top is fucking ugly . I told Rickson beforehand already, that he will surely laugh at my top again, but he didn't . :x

Before I went to open Cosine, I went to Messy and Uncle ask me take a photo of him very sad . Haha !! He say nobody want to contact him when he off, then he super bored ! Say we all boxim . :p

No sales also . I'm feeling more and more stress about the sales already, the more I serve, the more the customers run . -,-

Something happened .

The disliking of Madeleine's thing is announced public already. Haha. She read my blog on Sunday and got to know of everything already, she said she was bloghopping, then there she was at my blog . Haha. Didn't know my blog was so easily hopped . :x

Now Madeleine reads my blog, she know that we don't like her already . Guess it's better this way ? At least I can stop being a hypocrite. Haha. Now that's she know, there's no point hiding anymore. So next time if she do something which irks me, I shall just tell her , that's what she wants too ! ;D Peace out ! ^^v I guess the feeling of dislike will fade soon, since we already talk things out . ;)

Today damn happy la, Ah Mok asked for my number before he went homeeeeee ! Hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahah !! :DDDDDDDDD

Sms-ed with Ah Mok, Ah Jie and Rickson on my way home with Ruiting . Rickson got call me a while chat chat while I'm on the bus . Haha .

Supposed to chat on phone with Ah Jie one, but I think he sleep already, so I come blog lor, since my internet is being nice to be connected . Haha.

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