Monday, March 31, 2008

Fun Workday .

Work was fun today.

I reached there at around 11:10am, but none of the shops are opened, I mean Messy, X-Factor and Cosine. Went to the toilet, then sat at the coffee shop for a while, and decided to go sit somewhere near X-Factor, cos I couldn't see them from the coffee shop, so I won't know when they open.

Walked over and surprisingly, saw them smoking there. -,- Stood there like some woodblock while they open the shop. Okay, the reason for me standing there like a woodblock is because I don't know what I can help. A while later, Benny asked me to follow Edwin to Messy to open the shop. Followed him and learn how to open.

Edwin is a friendly and funny guy. This is the real him. Haha. Previously, that was just my impression on him at that time, so it's just misunderstanding. :p He told me something like.. All the newcomers don't want talk to him(Ruiting also), then ask me he very fierce meh, guess what I reply ? I nodded. Hahaha!

He said something to me out of a sudden after we stopped chatting. He said, "你瘦一点就会很美", and walked away. That makes me want to slim down even more lor! Lol. That sentence, came out from a handsome guy, you say will influence me not.. HAHAHA.

Anyways, Edwin only stayed at Messy for a while, after Ken came to ask him to go to Parco, he left. Didn't chat with Ken, not even one word came out from him to me, and vice versa. :\

Gal came and she worked with me for the whole day. Super fun working with her. Kept laughing and laughing ! She got super lot of flings please, she married already somemore. -,- Haiyo. I thought she was fierce at first, cos when Ken talk to her after she came and before he left, she never answer, and her face was like "chao da". Hahaha! That's what she said herself. I'm very surprise by how we can chat so much, cos she's a Malay, and my English is super lousy please. :\

Doris suddenly came to Messy and very unluckily, both me and Gal are using handphones at the counter area. -,- She said, "你们两个很有空hor, 两个一起在这边用电话" (Gal understand Chinese). Lucky Gal's reaction fast enough, say we sending songs. Phew ! I was super scare lor. Doris's face was super scary, you won't know till you saw it yourself. D:

She's still as fierce, but when she asked me to go over to X-Factor, she want to talk to me about all the things, and then I found out that she's actually nice too. :p

Oh, shethey thought I reached at 11:30am ! Is I never saw them at first ! Then Doris say me, so I explain to her about it lor. :( She say, these 3 days, first day reached in time, second late for 4hours, and third day late for 30mins(which they misunderstood), she can actually terminate me already, no company would accept this kind of employees, but that day when she tested me, she think I did it quite well since it's only my first day(which I think I didn't), and that I've potential for it, that's why she decided to continue using me. Jeneve said I have potential too, but why don't I see it myself ? :\

So now, everyone is nice, but Benny is still ... :\ I don't know la. Maybe need some more time.

Ran around like mad today. Kept having to run to X-Factor to get the Berms. -,- Tired, but still fun ! Haha.

Before we left, I was with Ruiting at Cosine, waiting for her, then Edwin came over and chatted while she do her stuff. Edwin call me Ahpui lor ! D: Super not happy, but I know he's joking la. He said something like this, "你们女孩子很奇怪,都不喜欢人家叫你们Ahpui,我觉得女孩子叫Ahpui很可爱。" -,- Stupid right.. Then I tell him, if he's fat, then people call him Ahpui he will like meh and ask him go call other girls, I don't need ! Lol. Stupid. If I had known earlier that he will call me Ahpui, when he ask me his friend's/his perfume which costs around 2k plus smells nice or not, I will tell him "it stinks" instead of "alright". Hahaha.

Now that I'm also quite friend with Edwin, it's also too late. Tomorrow is his last day. And I can't even see him on his last day, cos I off. Sigh. So, guess we won't really remember each other la. Haha.

Still clicked better with Ruiting, although sometimes nothing to say. Haha. I hope I don't get to work at Cosine. :( There's CCTV there and it's connected to the TV at X-Factor. -,- Which means, no privacy at all, you won't know if they're looking at you while you are working. Super uncomfortable. Ask me stand there look after for a while I also feel uncomfortable already lor. :\

I think.. Most probably, I will continue working there. Come find me come find me ! Got 10% off for friends !! :D :D :D Bring your Boyfriend along please, if not you don't need come already. Only guys apparels at Messy. Girls one will only be at Cosine, think also can 10% la, but I not there. I at Messy. ;)

By the way, anyone want to work nearby me ? Hahaha ! The shop opposite me looking for full-time ! Maybe can go try ask. ;) I don't know is Zinc/Ink/Square2, sell bag de la. Lol. Today that guy waved to me again. :\

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