Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I've been staying home since Monday. The feeling sucks. I'm super duper bored at home. Can anyone out there ask me out ?!!?! I know I won't get any replies. I always wanted to interact with all of you, but I'm always talking to some cold-blooded friends, who want to let me feel like I'm talking to some walls. D:

Anyways!! I'm very very VERY looking forward to tomorrow !!

I'll be out with Szemian Nordy, and we're going to hit da town !! I'm actually thinking if I should get her to accompany my to Bugis too. I need a job, badly please. Sigh.

I think I got her into trouble lei, now she must be home before 10pm. Which we always have to rush back. :( I mean like, if only she can just be back before 11pm, as I can't be out till that late too. My Dad will be nagging like hell, then my Mum will get to know, then if my Bro is home, he will help my Dad call and SCOLD me, then my Sis will sms/call me to ask me what time I going back, cos Dad not happy already. -,- See! That's my family. How I wish I can stay out and I mean stay outside, either friend's house or whatever.

So now she must be back before 10pm, which means we have to be on our way home at around 9pm, depending on the venue, which means we cannot meet any more later already. Sigh. If we meet at 2pm, sure not enough time. I think must meet at 12:30pm already. SIGH! Which means I got to get up earlier already !! Omg.

Okay, I think I really got nothing to blog about, I'm just saying the same thing over and over again. Bored, but can't think of anything to blog about. Basically, I got nothing to do now except sending comments to some friends, I ain't even chatting in Msn. -,- Don't know I online for what . Seeing him online make me feel even worse. D:

Lesser and lesser of my real life friends are coming online these days. Why huh ? All busy with school ? Sigh. So if I want to chat, also only can chat with those online friends, whom I don't trust anymore. :(

Oh ya, all of you know who is Aska Yang 杨宗纬 right ? If you don't know, go bang the wall now.

I loveeee him, he's my boyfriend ! :x

So while I'm looking for Aska's photo, I found my first love. 刘明峰 !!

I'll share with you all . :D

Aska Yang 杨宗纬


That photo of him in that gown in super funny please. :DD

And tadah ! Both of my love . ;D

Omg, I must stop being an idol idiot . I have been emo over him and crazy over artistes. -,- My emotions are very extreme these day. Lol.

I shall end here.

Back to myself tomorrow ! Cos I will be out, and after I'm out, I bet I will become the same old meeee ! Come back tomorrow , not only tomorrow, everyday also come ! Hahaha. :D

He's going to court tomorrow.
Maybe tomorrow will be
the end of my hopes and tears on him,
it's really time to put a stop to everything.

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