Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy CNY to all! ;

Happy Chinese New Year to all!!~

新年快乐,恭喜发财,万事如意,年年有余,身体健康,工作顺利,学业进步,红包拿来!! :D

Woke up quite early.

Had to pray to my Grandpa. Then slack around, do some more last minute tidying.

After my 三婶 and family came, I faster went to bath. Haha. :p

One by one, almost all reached. Nothing much, a very boring CNY Eve I got. :(

Oh, something happened. My Gor got into an accident after he got the car he rented and on his way to fetch my 大姑. Although the car flipped 4 rounds, he didn't got injured! :\ Only a small circle dent on his hand, which he doesn't know what caused it too. :\ Weird. They took back the car, and after my Gor came back, he try to find another car for us to go back to Malaysia.

After all those boring thing and my Gor's happening thing, had our reunion dinner, then some left some stay till 11plus. :)

Yuta and I got bored and played with Dress-up game. :p

Woke up at 4am in the morning, prepared and left for Malaysia at around 6am.

Had our breakfast, then all the way was driving, till we got to some resting spots.

Okay, now then I know my mum is a camwhore too. :x

Look at how hard my mum squeezed me!! D:

The old camwhore. :p

Reached Ipoh in the afternoon. I guess my Grandparents were really happy that we are there lor. Haha. They seldom get to see us. x)

Taking picture everywhere! Hahaha. :p
I look fat.. and am fat.. :((((

My Grandpa! I think he looked funny. xD

Had our lunch. The 'kampong' food. Haha. :D

These nails made me so so soooo uncomfortable and I can't do a lot of things, thus I removed it after I had my lunch. :( But it's so preeeeeetty~

Had a very simple dinner with my 三姨 and her family. ;D Was so awkward, nobody will know why. :\

I slept quite early and while I was turning into my dreamland, I think they gambled. ;)

My 大年初一 just ended in that state. :(


Woke up quite late, as in all the others woke up already. :p

My 小QQ came, then everyone was like coming in to tell me he come already etc etc.. -,-

Sat in the living room, listening to their conversations, trying to understand.. :( Other than listening, I kept on getting teased. :(

Damn sway, menses came! D:

Left Ipoh for KL at around 2pm.

Headed to my 大姨 house.

Her house was better, at least cooler, more comfortable and more interesting. Haha. :D

Left for Jusco not long after, cos my Gor wanted to have the Old Town Coffee. Who knows, it's not open! Hahaha. So just shopped around and went to have our dinner at some don't know what place. :p

Caught my eye on a watch which cost a fucking $1500plus! D: After 50% discount also will cost me a total of $700plus, then exchange back to SGD will also cost about $350plus lor! :(((

My mum with this 财神爷. Haha. You won't know what funny thing happened when we want to take this photo with him, my mum is soo cute lah! :DD

Went to F.O.S, and bought 4 top. Haha. Super cheap, the short sleeve one only cost $23, for 2!! And the long sleeve one only cost $29, for both!! :DDD It's super comfy. ;)

Bought a thin belt in the Jusco departmental store.

The dinner was great! :D

On the way back to 大姨 house after dinner.

Slept at my 小QQ house.

Woke up at around 6am. Cos of stomachache lah! Later got to know that my Gor woke up cos of diarrhea too at around 3am, then my Sis too! :\

Walked over to my 大姨 house, prepared to leave for Johor, my 二姑 house! :DD

The fan was actually turning, and this is the photo I took when it's turning, I think that's amazing! :D

Drove to Johor in around 3hours from KL.

And we finally reached!!!~

Her artpiece. Haha.
Taken by the sickening girl, Joanne Liew Jia En! :D
I have no idea how she made the background of her self-portrait black. -,-

Taken by the stupid guy who kept on calling me auntie and say I'm rabbit(because of my teeth), Liew Shan Dong.

Made by my dearest cousin, Yurii ; Liew Yi Wei! :D
This is her name, Y U R I I, on the round pinapple tart and the long one has Yu Sister on it, but not visible. ;) Mine is Y U M I I, haven't took photo of it. :p Much appreciated and love her to the maximum lah, I love doing these things for my love ones too. :p

Taken by don't know who. :\

Headed back to Singapore at around 5pm, to my 大姑 house.

Had dinner, a very marvellous dinner and then McFlurry and then Red bean pie, and then watch tv, and then almost fall asleep and then finally can go home at around 12am.

Finally reached home, sleep was the third thing I do. And off to my dreamland. ;)


Look at the angbaos!! :DDDDDDDDDDD

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