Saturday, April 24, 2010


April 20.

Day 1.

Woke up as early as 4 in the morning!! Omg can't believe it. Haha.. Got prepared and then headed down to the airport. Had our breakfast, tasted awful. D:

Shopped around the duty-free area.. Coach totally caught my eye. Haha.. Went in to check out the items, though it's all considered past season stocks, but still pretty.. heheh.. Most importantly, the price was a total steal! Wahahahaaaa ~ Didn't got it at that time, cos was thinking I can get it when we get back to Sg. Also browsed through Laneige products, not too bad.. Haha.. Prices ranged not more then SGD50. :D Will be getting their products after my current TFS facial foam runs out(:

Waited for some time before boarding the plane at around 7am. That's my first experience on a plane, but I seriously didn't felt much excitement. :\

Slept uncomfortably throughout my whole experience with JetStar. Not my choice if I were to go on a plane again. Haha.. Met my Brother and his Gf, Kim, when we finally landed. Not yet to be happy.. We got another long ride waiting! D: Got on the van my Bro rented and off to hit Chiang Mai ! Lucky thing was, the van was soooo much more spacious and comfortable. The only negative thing about it was the not cold air-con. Haha..

And I think due to my sleeping position on both the plane and van, my neck hurts when I turned to the right side, for the whole of that day. :(

First stop for lunch(:

Second stop, cheap and big durians.
Huge duriaaaaaaaans !! I dunno nice or not, cos I never eat. Haha..

Third stop, "hong numb"(toilet) break.
Stopped by to eat and saw these cuteee cuddly but dirty and fierce doggies. Lol..

They were barking at me when I took this photo. Hoho~

Half of the day gone by travelling from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Reached our hotel at around 6pm. Hoho.. Super long la.. Took a short 2hrs nap after bathing while waiting for Kim to go back to her place to get her car to pick us up.

Had dinner at her place, home-cooked food. Nice I likeeee ~ ;D Chatted a while with her parents, with Kim being the translator.. Lol.. :D

Kim's mum and her hugeee golden retriever. :D

Cos my Sis was afraid of dogs, so she had to keep her dogs down there. She brought it up for me to see though.. Super huge seriously. Haha..

Left their place at around 9pm and headed to the night market they have only on Tuesday ;) Nothing much actually. It was all food, food and food. Hahaha.. Oh but, the apparels they have there was not too bad, as compared to the ones in Sg and JB night market, Thailand's much better. Haha..



Cute pets(:

Cute little puppies for sale! ~ Awwwww, I want one:\

This poodle saw that I was taking photo of it, then it frigging barked at me! Haha..

Soo many cute little doggies. Like almost every stalls owned a dog. All same breed some more! Haha.. White poodlessss.. Super cute but fierce la :\ Walked around for around an hr or so and left.

Back to hotel, bathe and off to lalaland. Exhausted. It was only 10:30pm when we all turned in. Unbelievable right.. I also cannot believe I slept at such an amazingearly time. Haha! ;D

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