Sunday, April 18, 2010

M'sia trip - 花果山

Off day went to M'sia again. Haha.. Same kakis! :D

Yiwei and I went to M'sia first, while stupid mouse head over the next day early in the morning 9am. HHAHA.. Stupid mouse don't want to stayover, rather torture himself by waking up godamn early and go in. Lol :D

After we're done preparing, 二姑 drove and brought us to 花果山 ! Monkeysssss ~

Prayed first while waiting for our number to 算牌. ;) Got all mixed up while praying cos dunno which should go first and last lol.. 不知者无罪! Wahaha..

- 破财
- 桃花多
- 工作顺利
- 不能早婚

Don't know cry or laugh .. :) :(

After that went to take photoooooos, feed tortoises, fishes and monkeys! Supafun I like(:

After bathing..

Yiwei with the pony I guess? Haha.. So small sized.

I'm goaaaaaaat ~

This mouse here, zodiac is rabbit but pose with pig, cos he look more like pig. Rabbit is too cute for him.

Walked around a bit then left.

Idiotic photo before leaving haha!

Headed back to Yiwei's place, then rest while, Elainie came over to find her, decided to go have lunch together, drove car to Shandong shop to service, waited and waited, then headed over to Jusco, Pizza Hut. Yummmmmm ~

BUT..! Really unwell at that time. Menses cramp suckssssssss. I was feeling really uncomfortable then we talked about wanting our bfs to go buy kotex for us AHAHA, but it's true that I will really want a bf who don't mind buying it. ;)

Left after a bit of shopping and back to homeeeee!

Chitchat a bit.. Had dinner then back to Sg. :(

K lah, bye.


破财, true enough. The person say.. I cannot leave my valuables with other people, it's best to keep it myself. Then, my phone.. ... Sighhhh ...

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