Saturday, October 24, 2009


Managed to sneakily apply med for Pipi while it was slping this morn! Haha.. Cos the injured ear was faced up, so I just silently drip the med into the ear, then apply the cream hehehe..

Left home late due to this thing. And was late for frigging 26mins!!

Early in the noon, Boss made me irritated. I've always sat on the stocks whenever I feel like it, cos it more conveneint than getting the chair then sit down since the crowd thr comes quite quickly, so I sat down, then he say.. "Wanlin ah, next time if you want to sit you take the chair and sit, don't sit on the stocks already, later all being crumpled cos keep getting pressure." -,- I've already worked 1mth thr, sat on the stocks for 1mth already also. Isn't it a bit weird this sentence suddenly pop out? && I also know he don't really like it, cos his stocks always got crooked after we sat on it. :x

AND THEN, again early in the noon, I was serving customers.. My colleague Chunlan loves to cut into me and my cust's conversation. Gets me reaaaaaaaaal mad and irritated seriously. So I just leave the cust w/ her and stand outside wait for some more..

This situation doesn't only happen for once or twice, it's maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany times!!!

I hate it, I really do. I just don't feel like having conflicts, that's why I kept quiet. && since it's share comm, why not..? I still get the comm even if she made the deal. I just can't really get through my own like.. barrier. Maybe cos during the time at Messy/Cosine, it's individual comm, so tends to fight for your own cust, won't serve the same cust tgt. Lol..

So..! I put on a face the whole noon and didn't do much sales, till she left. :\

Price to pay was.. Got lectured by Boss. Cos I was very distracted by the people walking around outside and he saw it.

Lectured content: (roughly)
"This 3 days are you ok? You seemed very distracted. Even got cust you also never serve. Our business is very bad already, so when got cust you must grab the chance. You're already used to being late everyday, you don't have to open and close the shop also, so you should be doing what you should give your best to. You always go out toilet/tabao for sooo long. If you don't feel like working already you can tell us, we won't force you. If you want to continue like this, I also don't know what I can do to help you when BigBoss ask."

Threaten me.. Sack me I don't care. I will try to stay as long as I can, but if they really going to sack me or what.. I'm fine w/ it, seriously. Can't stand cheena.

After Chunlan left, chiong-ed sales! At least covered the rental fees, but still far from our sales target.

Anyway, don't ask me why I was distracted, it's merely bcos, I thought like, even if I serve she also will cut in and take away the cust from me, if I nv serve, she also will go serve. Cos why..? She is a super duper 马屁精. Only want to suck up to boss. -,-

Benny went Parco buy Yami Yogurt! Never tried it before, saw a lot of pple having it like so niceee!

It's really yumyummmm.. Will have it again soon hehehe:p

Applied med again for Pipi after I got home. So difficult! It kept moving and struggling. Sighh..

Omg, I actually planned to sleep before 1am tonight. -,-



Overdue photos:

*I took an hour for this post:\*

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