Thursday, April 9, 2009

Miss me , ok ?

For the past few days I've been working at the offer shop beside X-Factor instead of Cosine , cos of the air connnnnn ! Hahaaa .. If only Cosine have air con tooooo :[

Working there is seriously cooler , but Cosine's more fun , having Justin to crap ard with is enough already lol . But if Xinyi and Teresa were to be around also it'll be triple the fun of having just one Justin :p

Offer shop can see AY , Cosine can see A . HAHA ! Oh ya btw , ytd night , I read up abt Leo+Aries & Leo+Pisces on relationship . So sad upon seeing that Leo+Pisces is nt so ideal whereas Leo+Aries turned out to be good , but the problem lies with ... I'm nw doing fine with the Pisces and as for the Aries , it's nt doing so well lol , basically it stopped progressing already . Haha .

Ok back to work things ..

I haven't mentioned I gave notice for quitting on May , but it's postponed due to some reasons . So I'm nt too sure abt when I'll leave , Doris will inform me agn when she's ready to dismiss me (: Can't bear to leave actually , but after a year , I really start to think if this job really suits me . It's like , I don't think there's any other employees who is like me . By right , I have to report to work at 11am , but 6days a week , 6days I also report late , and my lateness is like .. 30mins up to 1.5hr . :\ I really cannot wake up on time . Energy drained out seriously . Even on my offdays I've been getting up reaaaaal late if no one wakes me up . Usually the latest is around like 2-3plus , nw I will wake up occasionally , but I can sleep up to 4-5pm lol .

&& my pay is also nt enough for my expenses . Transport(includes cab fares) , meals , hp bill and shopping !! Shopping&transport are the ones which kills me deeply lol . One day out , I can spend up to $150 already . One trip down to Bugis by cab cost me abt $15 , I'm always late , 6daysx$15=$90 . I spent up to $90 on cab fares a wk(!!) , that doesn't include my meal expenses for that wk yet .

Honestly speaking , after one year of working , I've had no savings at all . In debts some more .. I really feel very .. useless . Can't even save up a bit of my salary , every mth when it's comes to the last wk , I've gt to borrow money frm colleagues , family , friends .. Sighhh .

Ok anyways ... !
Friday took train tgt :D

Last Saturday photos when having supper with Xinyi . ^^


Msg-ed her on the first day she went to wrk to check out if she's doing fine .. Felt relieved when she said she's doing good , didn't made any mistakes ^^ Thought I might nt get to see her for a very very long time , but she came down to wrk on Sat & Sun ! :D Went home with her for both days (: She came to visit me at wrk agn few days ago and she's wrking this wkend agn . She's seriously a workholic lol . Scared she tired herself out , she's so weak somemore . -,-

Aiya .. This wkend can't get to see her . :[ Also can't see AY , 4days lei .. I'm leaving for Genting tml . AY asked me to get him presents haha .. I told him if I gt spare money then I buy for him haha ! :p Talking on phone with him everyday is really sweet . ^^ Esp. when his hicard is running out of money already but he still called as usual , that makes him even more sweet , wahahahahah !

Had actually wanted to asked him for movie Fast and Furious today , but I forgot to ask -,- Even when he came to say Byebye I also forget . So stupid :[ Roy also dun wan to watch . So I ask Xiaogui , she also dun wan , but end up she tricked me tgt with one idiot . Make me went up to Iluma Lvl 5 then realised the cinema is closed -,- Waste my time , so I left as soon as I reached Offer shop to take my bag .

Ok , I'm blogging abt random things . Feels really messy lol . :\

Oh shit, I haven't even packed my bag . Gtg , bye ! See you all agn when I'm back ~ Wait for my update ! Most probably will be on Sunday night . (: (I spent an hr on this post :\ unbelievable )


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