Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Twinny Dates

November 10 , Monday

Meizhu / Zhuzhu . (:

Stephanie . ;)

November 11 , Tuesday

Got woke up by the phone calls bombing from Peijun cos they thought I'm supposed to work today . Lol . And so I started a small spring cleaning in my room before meeting up w my funny weird Twinny . (:

Giving / throwing away all this clothes . :p

I'm supposed to meet Twinny @ 2pm , but the cleanings made me busy for this whole morning and thus , didn't noticed the time . :\ Lucky she coming to my place to meet me . :p Love her !

We're part of the camwhore bitches . :D

Accompany her to cut her hair . (: After that we left Punggol Plaza for Town .

First stop was Heeren . (: The first shop we went in , havoc . :\ There was this girl who stole something from another shop went into the shop we were in to find her friend who was working there , the salesperson chased out and shouted very loudly at her asking what was in her bag and wanted to check her bag . Found the purse which she did not paid for and I think he reported her . :\ Didn't really follow up to that matter cos it's none of my business , just kpo kpo a while . Hehe . :p

Bought a lot of accessories @ Heeren . In the same shop some more . Lol . -,-

Bangles .

(Photos of these are blurry cos I borrowed KamyTwinny my digicam .)

Hair accessories .

Left Heeren for Far East after she bought her clutch . ;p

Walked around and only bought a belt .

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssssssssssssssssssss ..

Didn't bought any clothes , some more can't find bags and wallets I want !!! D:

Photo time :

Our Twins Bag . Haha ! :D

At this time .. I was the Paparazzi while she was the Pop Star .

She's very proud of her fats .. Seeeee ~

My Bro was being Mr. Nice-y to drive us back . (: How bliss we are , not having to squeeze in the crowd in trains and buses . Hate that . Haha .

Enjoyed all the outings w my girls . (: Next would be KaixinKohKoh's date !

Bye !

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