Friday, July 25, 2008

Cockroaches Horror

Today was a quite paranoid day for me . Haha .

Start of the day , I sat till City Hall Station then wake up , end up being late and have to run to X-Factor , in order to be not THAT late . -,-

While I walk over to Cosine , saw quite a number of cockroaches . As expected , there's some inside the shop also .

Let me think ..

At first 2 at the entrance , then 2 inside , then 1 under the stock , 1 ran past .. So on and on .. -,-

Imagine how many times I screamed this morning . -.-

Uncle said something which cracked me up totally . Haha. "我给你喊到我精神紧张啊" . HAHAHA ! I really screamed a lot of times , every time I saw those cockroaches is still not enough ok , they still kept on scaring me . D: My "they" refers to quite a number of people . -,- Irritating .

Proceeds to packing the BIG bag of new stocks , while still worrying about cockroaches running out . Lol .

Spent almost 5hours packing the stocks .. Unpack , take out one piece , pack into the cupboard , hang the clothes , iron , display . Fucking did all alone ! D: Normally either Benny or Uncle will ask someone to come over to help me but this time don't have ! Maybe cos I'm the only girl working at Village today . Haha . Xueli and Gal at Parco , Ellaine on leave , and guys can't really help at Cosine . D:

The rice Benny bought for me was only inside my stomach after 5hours . Haha . I left it there till I finished everything . I'm very hardworking right .. I knooooooooow ... :x

In the night , suddenly I wanted to spell Mannequin on my phone , end up when I typed "mannequin" , my dictionary don't have ! So I asked around .. Asked Chiwawa , Xinyi , Jason , Justin , Christina .. Every spelling is different . -,- Craps . Manyqueen , Maniqueen , Manniquin , Mannequeen , the list go on and on .. End up until I got home then I know the one I spelled is correct , M-A-N-N-E-Q-U-I-N , but handphone's dictionary don't have . -,- Stupid right .. They still bother and call their so-called "more clever" friends to ask . Super retard . Then everyone was going crazy thinking how Mannequin is spelled and how come they don't know how to spell , thought it's so unbelievable and impossible for them to not know how to spell . HAHA . Funny la .

It's Chiwawa's last day . Finally got chat a bit . He's only back for like .. 3 days ? Just to help out , cos he still have to study . Mai siao siao . People study Laselle ok . Haha .. Tell you all also no use, you never see him before so you won't know how unbelievable it is to know that he's still studying , some more at Laselle . :\

Alright, I still got to work tomorrow . Blog next time !

I know all of you misses me ..

Taken on the same say actually ,
only difference is during work and after work . Hehe. :p

BYE !!! ~

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