Saturday, May 31, 2008

I ♥ R

Actually I already forgotten what happened all these days which I didn't blogged . Haha . Just here to blog for the sake of updating . :p

I only remembered , one day .. In around 15minutes , I fucking made around 12 transaction . And for that particular day , I deal with 70 customers in total . Haha. Super shiok laaa . ;D

I have nothing to blog about other than my camwhoring photos . :x

The geeky me .
Hahaha ! This specs belongs to Joker . :x Super funny la ! The Nepal girl keep laughing at me ! HAHAHA ! I want one of this specs .. !! B)

I know I looked super tired . Lol.
I remembered this was taken on my off .
Szemian Bestie wasn't able to meet me up , so I went to Bugis myself , then met up with Rickson to dinner and slackings .

Taken outside X-Factor while waiting for Benny to come open door . Lol . Just finished drawing eye-liner . :x

Before going to work .

After I come home from work .

Look at how unglam I looked everyday after work . It's super the pathetic . I hate smelling bad and sweaty and sticky every night . D:

Take Note !

Anyone who sees her , please contact me . Haha . I will contact her father , cos this paper is outside Cosine now , I can check for her Dad's phone number anytime . Tyvm , please help the furious and scary and black-hearted father . Thanks a lot ! :x


Requested to do this by Kamy Twinny . -,-

Instructions :
Add in a question to make it a total of 20 questions , then tag 8 people in you list .List them out at the end of this post . Notify then in their chatbox that he/she have been tagged.Whoever does the tag , will have a blessing from all.

1. At what age do you wish to marry ?
- Before 25 .

2 . What you want the most now ?
- Everything I don't have now .

3. Who is the person you trust the most?
- I trust people very easily . :\

4. Do you think you have enough confidence ?
- Most of the time , I don't .

5. If you can have a dream to come true , what would that be ?
- Become a better person .

6. Are you satisfied with yourself ?
- Obviously no .

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now ?
- Everything I have now .

8. Do you believe in eternity love ?
- Fuck no . -,-

9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide ?
- No ? -,-

10. What do you like most about yourself ?
- Basically nothing .

11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
- Give me the feeling that he can be trusted , that's it .

12. What feelings do you hate the most ?
- Deceived , betrayed , backstabbed .

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours ?
- Not E-V-E-R-Y .

14. Do you believe in god ?
- Yup .

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?
- Money and Family and Friends ?

16. Who do you hope to be always there for you ?
- Friends , cos I know I don't even have to hope for my family to be always there for me , they'll always be . :)

17. What do you regret most in your life now ?
- Keep on finding faults on him and a lot more .

18. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friend's eyes ?
- Whatever is nice la , stupid .

19. What are you doing currently ?
- Finding new nice songs to download and doing this fucking stupid thingo .

20. If you can turn time back, what would you do ?
- Hah ! Kamy's answer is funny . Lets copy . "Show me how to turn back first" . :DDD

Okay, seriously , I don't have a lot of good friends who owns a blog , so I'll skip this "tag" thingo , anyone who reads my blog and wanna do it , go ahead alright ! But tag me to tell me you did it , so I can go see your answers also . :x I know I very kpo . Hehehe .

Actually Phelia asked me to do a quiz too , but it's 100 questions ?! Forget it . Haha !


By the way , it's just to inform all of you who comes to my blog frequently , I won't be blogging as much as before already , had actually thought of closing it down , but decided to just leave it here . Still feel free to tag me alright , I don't have time to blog doesn't mean that I won't have time to reply tags ! Haha. I always take hours to blog , that's why I don't have time to update . Sorry about it alright , will blog once I have the time . Don't stop dropping by ! ;D


30th May is the day . ♥
I'll remember and I hope it last .

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