Friday, January 4, 2008



Yesterday, my internet connection had problem, again. That's why I didn't blog. Haha. :D


Yesterday, as usual lah, then after work went to Bessie's place. Was supposed to return her the game boy only, but then we chit and chat so I went into her house, then chit and chat some more, ended up watching Brats. Haha. :D

Look at how messy I am, even in the shop! Haha.

I'm really bored, I bet you can tell from the photos I took lor. Haha. :D

Headed home at 8plus. :)

Helped Jeneve to do this! Haha. I bet this is the nicest display ever in a shop. Hahaha! :D But I think it's not nice enough. :(

I'm awfully tired nowadays. Slept at around 2am plus, wake up at 8 or 9am. This is definitely going to take my life away. I guess I shall not blog every night, and have my sweet dream instead. Sigh.

So, today..

Usual lah! Hahaha. After work also come home. Because I want to use the computer straight after work and then sleep after watching those Tv Shows. :p Anyway, working life isn't interesting also right, why I everyday also want blog. Sigh, don't understand me lah. Hmm! Maybe it's because I want to keep track of how my life is in my blog! :D Yup, that is it.

Oh, I have to tell you people about the hots again liao. Haha. You know what, I really think I should look into the hot#1 shop leh, then I can know he got notice me not mah! Sigh. One day.. Yup, one day I'll look in. :x I already know hot#2 know of my existence. Haha. We got eye contact before okay. Haha.

By the way, I haven't tell you people how much I loveeeeeeeee my job now.. Almost everyday, I will be able to see hot guys okay. Today, even on my way back home also have hor! :DD Then when I'm working, the only thing I need to do to see hots will be just going to the toilet! Hahahaha! If you people got come find me, I sure bring you go see okay. *Promiseeee* (Cos I don't want to miss any opportunities to see them!) The 2 hots' shop are absolutely near, if I'm not wrong, they are friends. :D I want hot#1!!!


I don't know if there's 2 different guy working at the hot#1 shop leh, cos that day I look in(act act), the guy's hair damn stylo milo, today I look in from far away, I saw the hair very simple only leh, only got style a bit, unlike the previous one. Aiya, maybe is the same guy? Cos I also every time change my hair. Sigh, should look in to confirm his look, I only know he's hot from far. Don't scold me hor, I shy to look in mah, later he see me looking at him, very awkward de leh! Haha. The hot#2 is different, I accidentally look in de. :p

Omg, I'm becoming a "flower idiot" again. Okay, I'll stop. :(


Okay okay. I'll stop here. I mean the part about them. Haha.

The potato chips my mum made has heart shape on it! Hahaha. I almost fall asleep, that why I have to eat something. :p

I got my eye on 2 tops in De Fanci again! Haha. I'm gonna be broke working there lor. Take pay, buy, take pay, buy. Haha. No savings liao lah! Still have to return money. Sobs.

Can anyone tell me how to communicate with Strangers? I really don't know how leh, I think after I know how to, my job will be easier. :'(((


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