Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eve's Wedding

First thing first. Got to upload all the photos for Eve's Wedding on the 28th October. Loads of my camwhoring photos to feed all of you! Hiahiahiaaa ~

Eve's Wedding photos: Click Here

Click on the link if you are interested(: All the photos are not very clear and professional thou. I just anyhow take only. Haha..


Life has not been good.

Money issues stressing me very much!

I just quitted.

Something happened today. Rebecca visited me at my wrkplace to have a short chat. Both Boss and Ladyboss was around. Not much customers, in fact only 1, whom was served by my colleague.

Rebecca left to grab smth to fill her empty stomach. After she came back, we were talking half-way till Boss called me. He somewhat screamed at me. Saying my friends cannot always come to the shop to chat w/ me and affect me work, like yesterday Xiaogui and Jackie came over to like disturb me at the shop. && not only this 2 times, quite a lot of friends came over to have a small chat:\

Another thing is.. Using handphones during work time. He never told me I wasn't allowed to use handphones, never. But I heard from Xueying when she tried out the work for a day, Boss told her no using of handphones.

The only thing I answered him was.. "but I only talk to my friends when no cust. what! Use hp also when no pple mah", but he still said.. "No." && added a sentence which make me quit.

"If you can accept it, good. If you cannot accept it, tml is your off, Wed don't need to come already."

I nodded, had made up my decision in my mind.

I know he don't like my friends to come over, I know he don't allow us to use handphones, but I still insist on doing it, cos he never mention anything. Haha..

I don't really care a lot bout this job, seriously. Have it or not, doesn't matter. Will inform him tml night that I won't be going to work on Wed.

Had an interview at Unique:D Have to wait a wk for confirmation from Richard Uncle.




How cuteeee..?!

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