Tuesday, September 1, 2009

M'sia Trip(Aug22-30)

Seriously, I cannot really recall every single thing that happened. So it won't be very detailed(: Chunks of photos below!! :D


Saturday, Aug 22

Woke up early in the morning. Watched everyone being busy doing the offerings for the gods in the temple, but I can't be of any help. Afraid I will be of trouble more than help. :\

Went to the temple at around 11:30am. Helped out with bringing all the offerings to the gods. A busy afternoon I have seriously.

Left at around 4pm. 二姑 drove me and Yurii to Tasek, shopped around for a while. Ate a lot of things lol :D

Went home at around 6-7pm. Rest and then had dinner and prepared to go to the temple again. Got ge-tai. Actually I didn't want to go, but everyone's going, so no choice.

Back at around 1am.


Sunday, Aug 23

Dyed my hair! ;D

The hair serum and hair dye I bought that day.

The hair dye was not really good, but at least my black roots are gone for goodness sake! :D

It turned out like this the next day. Lol.
Look like auntie-,-


Monday, Aug 24

Went singing at City Square! :D Frankly speaking, didn't enjoy it very much, cos basically I was screaming, not singing. :\

Good thing abt it: They got condom for mic! More hygienic. Kbox should learn frm em..

After around 4-5hrs of singing, we went to shop around. Fancy a bag, but was really costly, so didn't bought it.

Had this very nice snow ice recommended by alot. Heard that it's super nice so gave it a try and it was awesome. :D Love it. But the choice of chocolate toppings is quite bad, shall be a normal person and choose mango the next time.

On our way back..

Bought Donuts back for them and ourselves! :D I love Oreo ones:D They never had J.CO Donuts before and all of em love it now!! After a few days, Yiwen bought a dozen back again haha..

Home sweet home at around 9pm.

First thing I did after we got home. Haha!

Pardon us, we're camwhores. Hahaha! :D

Ugly photos shall be smaller. Hahaha!


Tuesday, Aug 25

Stayed home the whole day! :D


Wednesday, Aug 26

Was supposed to go Jusco, but had to postpone it to the next day.


Zhenxi cameeee! :D He's uber cute manxzzxzz. Tell him once, and he'll remember you are Wanlin Jiejie. Hahaha!! Freaking cute.


He kept saying "Baby 在玩 game" when he see the photos of him w/ a part of my DS. Lol.


Thursday, Aug 27

Went to Jusco, this time 小婶 tagged along:D

Shopped around, then went to have steamboat at Johnny's Restaurant. Haha. Their Tomyam soup was luscious!!!! Omg. I miss it. So gonna have it everytime I go there! Shall pester Yurii for it. Hahaha! The food variety was not very good, but just the Tomyam soup can make me go back again and again already. :p

My eyelash was half-dropped while we were eating, so I removed it @ the restaurant and got my eyeliner touched up at a random booth @ the departmental store. Haha.. The salesperson came, and we got to act like we are testing the product then not satisfied. Hahaha! Damn funny.

While waiting for cab..

After our early dinner, we went to Station 1 cafe. Not too bad. Atmosphere is there, very relaxing. One of the waiter quite good-looking. Haha. Yurii love that cafe, she said she always go there for the singer dunno call what xian one.. Lol. Didn't get to see him, instead a girl of a mere age of 15 went to sing there.

Guess what.. Yurii asked the waiter to guess who is 小婶, he said me!! Omg, I want to die liao.. D:

Played Uno-Stacker. Loser pay. 小婶 lost. Supposingly, it was my turn, but when I was still thinking, she went and touch the stack of blocks and tadahhhhh, I'm safe. LOL.

Yurii got 小黄(her ♥) to drive us back.

After we got home, I asked Yurii, whether she thinks she and him got some problem(they didn't talked at all for the whole journey!). && I told her, if she continues to be like this, it's gonna be a burden to him. So I told her to give up. The thing is that he doesn't like her anymore after she rejected him. That's a fact already, so no point for her to chase after him again. He already stated very clearly asking her to find someone better yet Yurii still thinks that he still likes her and is only afraid to hurt her. Silly girl.

My buys:D

Presentsss.. Accessories is the easiest present at all times! :D
Unique necklaces(:

Bought one for myself too! :D

My nail polishs & Yurii's lip gloss and brush.
I love her lip gloss colour, but doesn't suits me:(

Yurii's 小小黄 w/ her new necklace.


Friday, Aug 28

Me w/ new top(:

This time, we went to Sutera Mall. Don't judge it by it's name. Lol. At first when I heard it's name, I was thinking like.. eeyer, seems like there won't be anything nice there. Lol.

&& to my horror!! Everything's to my liking!! Hahah! I fancy so many things there I feel like buying everything. But..! After I bought a legging which cost around RM65.. I felt guilty to actually buy other items. Evrything is so expensive. :(

Like this, but a bit too normal for that price.

Had our lunch at Vivo. Wow, the food.. Omg. Spell de-li-ci-ous please.

Garlic bread was madly yummy. If only it's free-flow. Hahaha!! But hell no, it's Rm3.50 lol.

She is my 小婶 and she is 19 years old. O.o
She is from Vietnam and she love fruits.
She is very skinny and she eat fruits as a meal.

Trimmed our eye-brow, while 小婶 went to Carrefour. Haha. Went to find her and to buy the fruits Yurii need for her fruit tart.

I went out while they were still browsing to find the Digi guy to help charge my handphone.. for freeeee! He say, "一块两块不会干脆不要收", in a act cool/haolian manner. Lol. Too bad he not handsome leh :(

Went back to find them, then went to shop around again. Found some game shop, so I asked why my DS games cannot load anymore, then the shuai ge help me check already say my R4 program is missing! :( They don't have the software, so I have to go back and find the person whom I bought it from for the chiong R4 software. Siannnnnzzxz.

Tried asking another shop, but they also don't have. :( Double siannnnzxzxx. I think I want to go work handphone/game shop leh.. All the handphone/game employees all very good-looking leh.. Esp. games one, all very cute. Haha! :D

二姑 came to fetch us back after watching her 7pm show. Lol.



Saturday, Aug 29

Stayed home in the noon. Went to the Temple in the night. It's was so cool..! We watched the priest chant, then the paper offerings they placed there started the fire on it's own! Omg. Amazing. I video-ed it, but it was too dark before the fire started, you can't see a single thing from it, but evryone who was present saw it. Omg.

They say, everytime they burn the offerings, they will take pictures, then after that they went to print out the photos, amazingly enough, they can see a lot of things from the smoke. I don't know exactly what are the "things", but they say evrytime is different and everytime there WILL be something. :\ I only took video:(

The long hair guy in the middle(6th), damn fit. If you look at him from the back, perfect.
But front.. Errrr... Sorry.
我的表弟好高。Orange shirt. 17 years old so tall so big size.
I'm shorter than him by a head! D:
In fact, I'm shorter than a lot of people lah, so nth unusual. Lol.


Sunday, Aug 30

Went to Jusco again. Was supposed to have Pizza Hut together, cos Yiwen wanted to have it, but last minute change to eat Japanese Cuisine. Super delicious, but also super expensive! Bill come, almost RM300. -,- 5 people eat RM300 a bit too much lah. Sg eat better. Lol.

F.yummy Ebi Chawan Mushi.

California Maki. :D

Mango + big Prawns = Luscious

Mango sushi!!

Bought these from Etude House and spent all of my money.
Left 6bucks, bought tidbits for Sis&I RM5, brought home RM1. LOL.

Shopped around then went home, cos Yurii need to rush to do her fruit tart. Haha. I took a nap until it was time to go home. :(

Will miss there a lot. Don't know when I can go stayover again. Sighhh.


Actually throughout these days when I stayed there, I feel like there's a lot of time where Yurii and I had 'hidden conflicts'. I used to think we can be really really good sisters, but after the stayover this time, I have doubts about it already.

Sometimes, I feel like she's actually quite selfish, but I'm not too sure is it the very self-centered in me causing me to feel that way(got a strong feeling it's not bcos of my self-centered). Evryone will change, maybe that's the change in her. She has probably learned too much frm me that she's starting to become another Wanlin. She can no longer cover my bad points like she used to. I'm selfish and so is she, now. That's bad. I also realised, our sistership cannot have a third party, once a third party come in, I'm sure we will fall apart.

Our sistership is so vulnerable. :(

Hope we can get through everything and open a shop together in the future, I really hope so.

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