Monday, March 30, 2009


March 23 , Monday

I did an irresponsible act the day before . I gt lectured , that's for sure , no grumbles for it .

I salute Doris seriously , she really helped me a lot , I appreciate all of it , really very thankful towards her , at the same time I do feel sorry also . :[


March 24 , Tuesday


Was feeling really really down , msg-ed Bestie and asked if she could make her way down to meet me at my workplace , then we'll have supper tgt and have a long chat . Guess she was really worried sick when she received my emo sms lol !

She turned up at around 10pm , just to go home with me together and then have supper near her place .

We walked over to Little India , slowly .. then my Bro text and asked if I want him to pick me up , obviously I would very much want to lol .So we waited for him to come then dropped off at econ coffee shop . Chatted reaaaaaaaal lot , haha .

Left for home at around 1am .

Love Bestie(:

March 25 , Wednesday

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March 26 , Thursday

Rushed to buy Cadbury chocs for Roy before going for wrk , nt rly close to him , so one packet of his fav chocs will do I guess . Haha .. Actually I bought one more packet , but I kept it for myself in the end .

Bored while working ...
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When Xinyi knocked off at 5:30pm , we went Blk 1 buy cake for him then went to get our contact lens before heading back to Bugis St . They cut cake with him , I couldn't join cos I would get killed if I were to be seen away frm my shop . Lol .

Wished him happy birthday while I was on my way to the toilet passing by his shop . He kept saying thank you for the cake ah .. Haha ..

BUT ...

When I came back from toilet and went to J-Square , I heard something from Reno ... Which caused another day of emo-ing for me :[

I heard from Reno abt him , asking a girl out on his birthday , I have the urge to tear , but I hold it back .

Went back to my shop , uttered something to Ken and cried , he was super confused and surprised abt why I was crying and joke ard trying very hard to make me stop haha , Justin also gt scare . Sat alone inside when there's no customers thinking abt it , Lihan passed by , joked that I was having depressions , I looked at her and my eyes turned teary , she gt scare by me also lol , Teresa came asked why I looked so emo , spit it out to her abt what I heard and then shed tears . :'(

Teresa and Justin saw that I was really down , they dragged me for supper with them , really thanks a lot , they tried cheering me up , kept talking to me , for nt letting me have time to think abt it , once Teresa sees me in deep thoughts , she will call me or talk to me . Haha ..

I dunno why I gave that face :\

I have really niceeeeeeeeeee friends ..

March 27 , Friday

Happy Birthday to Roy and HIM !!

March 28 , Saturday

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Movieeeeeeees @ $6 till April 10 !!! Iluma , Bugis (: $2 for the popcorn set if you've gt the brochure HAHA , I got 4 ! :D

Omg , I feel so aunty-ish . Lol .. :p

Went for movies , supposingly it was only a movie night for me , Mindy and Reno , but John came to Bugis and said he wanted to join us , so it's a foursome night . (:

John was already catching a movie with his friends , so Reno and Mindy waited for me to knock off , then we walked over to Iluma .

Bumped into Ah Boy and Jun An , they're walking towards Iluma also , so asked why they're going there .. "watch movie lor" .. HAHAHA !

Thus walked tgt and crapped around until we gt up on the cinema level , bumped into Teresa and co. all frm Recoil lol .

Mindy & I (:

Bought tix for 6 , Unborn @ 11:55pm . We've still gt 1 hour to go .. Wasted around 15mins there , exploring that level , then also chat with Teresa and co. . We're all watching the same movie haha !

The guys wanted to takeaway nuggets for movie later so went to McDonald's then met John at Iluma agn when he came out frm his movie .

God , scaryyyyyyyy ...

For Unborn it actually have more points of getting scare than Coming Soon , but Coming Soon is still more gross .

Home sweet home at around 2am . Text with frens till 3am then catch my beauty sleep lol .

March 29 , Sunday


Due to the sms-ing last night , I can't get up on time for wrk even though I start work at 1pm today :x Was late for 15mins , even Kerene also say she salute me , afternoon shift also can late lol .. *irresponsibility kills*

Today is a home-y day , cos I wrk 11am tml . Hehe .. Some more it's my last few days of going home tgt with Xinyi , she won't be wrking there anymore , got herself a office job already .. Sad .. Can't bear to let her leave , but I have to accept that she have to leave one day , she came to Sg , studied so hard just because she wanted to get an office job and start earning big money .. No more selfish thoughts for me . Will miss her reaaaaaaaal lot . :[

Got to sleep , it's going to 3am already omg , I'm wrking 11am tml . Shit shit shit , Bye !


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