Friday, December 12, 2008



It's f.pain , haha . In fact , not as pain as how pain I tot it'll be . :x Contradicting . Lol .. Overall , I love it , dun u think it's so f.cute ? HAHAAH ! Everyone is telling me I'll be going for more and more , bigger and bigger .. Haha .. Love it , but pple say it's too exp alr . I dunno .. :\

Before leaving to meet Rebecca . (:

After my tatt , went to have Subway .

Met her sis after lunch and then we headed to Far East . Only got myself bangles and 2 tees .

Parted w them and I left for Bugis . (:

Bugis Junc . First stop Messy then Praise . :D

That Praise guy is so f.cute pls . ^^ So shy so cute .. Since he's that cute , I dun see why I shouldn't buy from him . HAHAHA ..

Left: Benny's Birthday Present ; Right: Mine . :D

Camwhore in X-Factor store and ended up camwhoring everywhere I go . Haha ..

(changed my clothes cos Bugis Village is rly too hot)

Benny looking for the tee I gave him , but I alr kept it inside my bag , cos he doesn't want to take photo with me . D:

Nobody believes this is R-E-A-L .

Peijun is very bad . She dun wan to take pic with me showing her face . D:
No la , joking .. We took a few with face one . Haha ..

Messy .

Recoil .

Aft they all knock off , we (Peijun , Teresa , Xinyi & I) tagged along with Justin and Leo to Pool Fushion . I left first cos my bro is coming to fetch me . (:

It's Peijun's last day . Take care girl , I will miss u , you're rly good to me even thou we just know each other nt long ago . (: Meet up someday !

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