Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Finished Post On Malaysia ;

Okay, this post, there will only be photos and photo captions. There won't be much elaborating about my trip at Malaysia.

These are taken at my aunt house when I was alone, waiting for Mary Auntie do be done MahJong-ing. I guess I've said in my previous post that my handphone battery went flat and I can't do anything other than being a companion to these tortoise.


The lil model. Haha. She's uber cute! But still, I hate her at times. She's kind of irritating sometimes, and I can't communicate with her at all. I always wonder how my cousin can understand what she's talking about. Because they're always together? I don't know, it's so weird. I don't know baby/kids language. Haha.


My cousins. Haha. They look fugly with my shades!

My sister! Taken on the day she came. Haha.

Hooray! They're leaving, that's why I helped them take some pictures, in case Yuta miss them. Hahaha.

The 帅哥 I no longer love. Irritating kid. Can't stop talking and beware, he has built-in mic. -,-
DSC01400 copy

After they left, we decided to help Yuta do a make-over! Haha. I love helping people to have a complete make-over! Kaixin will be the next model for me, yoohoooooooo~

Soli, forgot to take photo of her "before". Yuta Hairstyle

You know what, she's still wearing the clothes like, Barbie, clothes she bought maybe like 2 years ago for CNY. Oh my, I really can't stand it when I see her wearing those clothes. Opps, don't have "before" photo also. I doesn't like the bottom 2. Infact, these are not my artwork. Haha. I was bathing when they are playing with these clothes. Actually also not playing lah, Yurii gave these clothes to her. See how niceeee my Yurii is!~ Haha.


I think it's absolutely funny! That jeans belongs to Yurii, and when Yuta tries it, it became 减肥成功!Haha.

The day we went to City Square again...

The future hairstylist! I YURII!

I finally try out another type of eye make up yea. Haha. Stay tune for more changes in me(Dress is walking into my life).

This is actually taken on the day where we went to City Square with my kiddo cousins and their mum.
Sister Forever

I totally love myself, other than being so fat and having such big pores. Haha. Aye, actually I hate myself more than love. I love myself? I hate myself?

See! She's actually very pretty okay! Don't understand why she wants to make herself so orbit! Sigh. Think is because of the restriction by her mum uh. Guess how old she is? Or are you not even a wee bit interested in my Yuta!?

We are totally the best cousins ever! Haha. Love them!
The YU Sister

Someone might like this photo! Haha.
Shan Dong

I currently loveeeeee tying my hair, it's neater than having all my damaged hair flying around! Heh.

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